chapter 29-30

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  Chapter 29 Quarrel
  Yu Qing didn't know that she was just here for a meal, but she became someone else's topic of conversation. After the noodles were cooked, they were brought to the table not far from the counter, and they were quickly eaten.

  Before leaving, out of courtesy, he spoke to the three of them who were drinking at Kuang Gang and left the hotel.

  On the way back, I was still thinking that today was not the weekend, and the three of them actually had the time to drink in the restaurant unhurriedly.

  Back at the guest house, Yu Qing didn't lie on the bed to take a nap. When she left Mijia Village, she didn't bring anything with her.

  Now it can be said that they are poor and white, and there is no even at least a place to live.

  Even if there is a studio, the pressure she has to bear in her heart is not ordinary.

  I feel that I don't have much money and food in my hand, and I will have no food to eat next meal, and no place to sleep.

  After confirming that the door was locked, Yu Qing entered the studio's warehouse.

  According to the regulations, the warehouse will be counted once a month, but it is the warehouse administrator, and all she can see is some data on the computer.

  There is a gap between the inventory on the system and the actual one. For example, for a shirt, the inventory in the system shows that there are more than a dozen styles.

  What the specific shirt style looks like and whether it is in line with this era depends on the actual inventory.

  Yu Qing just wanted to take advantage of the time before she went to work, and slowly take stock of the warehouse herself and clear out the clothing or items that fit the era.

  Whether it is to sell in the market or give gifts, it is a good choice.

  When you can get it, you can use it and you can't find it.

  Moreover, after taking stock of it, she can also know what she knows.

  Before a shelf is finished, it is time for work.

  Yu Qing looked at the clock hanging on the wall, went to the bathroom to tidy up her appearance, and checked her image to see if there was nothing wrong with her and left the studio.

  Mi Qianjin took his parents to the department store in the morning to sell a lot of things, and finally sent the two elderly people to the car back to the county seat.

  As soon as I sat down to eat in the cafeteria, I felt someone sitting beside me.

  As soon as he smelled a familiar scent of vanishing cream that he could no longer be familiar with, Mi Qianjin's eyes fell on Xiang Qin, the corners of his mouth curled up, and he asked gently, "Why are you here?"

  Xiang Qin seemed to be worried. Others, snorted softly to show that she was in a bad mood!
  Instead of answering the other party's question, he sat down and took a breath, grabbed the lunch box in front of Mi Qianjin, and ate without saying a word.

abandoned woman of the age: getting rich by spatial warehouse Where stories live. Discover now