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  Chapter 566 First Birthday
  The sixth day of the twelfth lunar month is Xiaozhuzhu's first birthday.

  Waking up early in the morning, Xiang Yisen drove to the vegetable market and bought a lot of fresh meat and vegetables. After breakfast, he hurried to unlock the stores so that the employees could operate normally.

  When Xiao Zhuzhu woke up, she put on the red cotton padded jacket Yu Qing had prepared for her. After a little dressing up, she looked like a boy under Guanyin's seat. Anyone who saw her white and tender face wanted to pinch her.

  Because neither Yu Qing nor Xiang Yisen's family members were in Yicheng, the couple did not plan to hold a big banquet.

  But on this day, there are still a few friends who remember the little girl's birthday.

  At around ten o'clock in the morning, Zhou Yalun was the first to come to the small courtyard. Yu Qing was very surprised to see him come in with a gift.

  "Uncle Zhou is here, hurry up and sit in the room."

  Zhou Yalun nodded and smiled at Yu Qing.

  Han Xue didn't expect that he still remembered Zhuzhu's birthday. When he handed over the birthday gift last year, she gave him a reproachful look: "It's rare for you, a big man, to be so careful. You just came over for a meal. Why don't you?" Is it worth the money?"

  Zhou Yalun said with a light smile, "When Zhuzhu calls grandpa, why don't I come when she celebrates her first birthday!"

  Yu Qing held Xiao Zhuzhu's little hand and waved at him: "Then we Zhuzhu I just thank Grandpa Zhou for the gift, and when I grow up, I will naturally honor Grandpa Zhou."

  "Cough" Zhou Yalun coughed slightly uncomfortably, and was called grandpa before he became a father, which seemed to be how old he was of.

  Next came Lu Jinzhong and the second bar. As if they had agreed, they came together.

  Even Chen Da Niu, who is on vacation today, ran over.

  "Big Sister Chen!" Yu Qing looked at her in surprise, "You have a heart, I didn't expect you to remember our Zhuzhu's birthday."

  "I'm Zhuzhu's aunt, how can I not come for her first birthday?" Entering the living room, surrounded by heating, Da Niu Chen took off her coat, put down the gift in her hand, and was about to hug Xiao Zhuzhu.

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