c 196-200

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  Chapter 196 Xiao has been thinking about it for a long timeXiang Yisen
  helped her up, and asked with concern: "Are you really so tired this time?"

  He remembered that he walked with her last time, and he had never seen her so tired.

  Yu Qing wanted to cry without tears, so she sat up straight and cried with a mournful face: "Who told you to ask me if I was tired every time I took a rest halfway, and if I wanted to recite it? Panic."

  Out of the corner of his eyes, Xiang Yisen glanced at the leather shoes that were shaking aside, he couldn't laugh or cry, "Is it my fault for caring about you?"

  "Yes, it's your fault." Yu Qing pouted and took off her socks .

  "The water is a bit hot, put your feet down slowly, and try to touch the water first." Xiang Yisen reminded beside him.

  As soon as Yu Qing's feet touched the water, she lifted them up again, "It's a little hot, add some cold water."

  "The hot water temperature is the best effect."

  "My feet are not pig's feet!"

  "Hehe." Kazumori couldn't help laughing, "Okay, you wait." When the

  water temperature was adjusted to a bit hot but tolerable range, Yu Qing patted the edge of the bed, "After walking all the way, you also sit down and rest for a while.

  " With his long legs that had nowhere to rest, he asked cheekily and tentatively: "The water temperature is very high, why don't you soak your feet together?"

  "Is that okay?"

  "As long as you don't dislike me, of course You can. You drag the wooden box over here, and we sit face to face to soak."

  When his big feet were put into the bucket, half of the bucket was filled with water immediately, submerging Yu Qing's calf.

  Pointing to the water in the bucket, she said, "This is how it is comfortable to soak. Are you comfortable?"

  Xiang Yisen's face was tense as his feet were stepped on by a pair of small feet, and it took him a while to say the word "comfortable".

  Yu Qing deliberately stomped on his feet a few times, "How do you feel?"

  "A brand new experience that has never been experienced before." Xiang Yisen didn't know if it was caused by soaking his feet, he felt his face was a little hot.

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