chapter 61-65

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  Chapter 61 Ask someone to build the kitchen

  Changqing said again: "Your sister-in-law is clever and good at needlework. Next time if you need help in this area, you can ask your sister-in-law."

  Yu Qing smiled at Captain Changqing's kindness Responding obediently: "Okay, next time if you don't understand something, just ask sister-in-law."

  After finishing speaking, Yu Qing explained the purpose of coming this time.

  Captain Changqing heard that he was just building a kitchen, which was simple.

  So, he said in a big way: "We have a lot of masons. I will find you two with good skills. I promise to cover it for you in two days. It can be used after a few days."

  "Thank you, captain, so I would It's easy. I will pay them when the work is finished."

  Captain Changqing nodded, which was considered a promise. He didn't say anything like just helping out without paying, after all, he promised this on behalf of the commune members, and he had no right to make them work for nothing.

  After returning from Lishuwan, I ran into Sister Lu who had just returned from the vegetable field in the residential area.

  Sister Lu was carrying a hoe, and when she saw Yu Qing coming back from the outside, she asked, "Girl Qing, where did you come back from?"

  "Sister Lu, I just came back from nearby Lishuwan. I am a mason, and I made an appointment to help me build the kitchen tomorrow. Are you carrying a hoe to open up wasteland again?"

  "Well, I want to grow some peanuts next year, the children love to eat them." Lu Zhenlan then gave her a reproachful look, "We two The kitchen at home can be built tomorrow, and then I can just ask my brother-in-law and your brother-in-law Pan to help you build it. Why do you spend that unreasonable money to hire someone? You don’t have much money!"

  Yu Qing knew that the two brothers-in-law usually They have to go to work, and they are busy building the kitchen during the rest time after work. How can she feel at ease and ask them to help.

  "Brother-in-law and the others are tired enough to go to work, and they have to do masonry after get off work. You don't feel sorry for me as a little girl. Please save your worry and effort. Why should I be tired of brother-in-law and them? The benefits outweigh the losses, you say Right, Miss Lu."

  Lu Zhenlan knew that what she said was the truth, and there was nothing she could do about it, "Since everyone has been invited, I won't say much, as long as you know what's in your mind, save some money and don't spend it recklessly."

  "Got it , Sister Lu." Afraid that she would repeat her words, Yu Qing quickly waved her hand and slipped away without looking back.

  After finishing the stretching exercise at night and taking a shower, Yu Qing squeezed her bucket waist, feeling that her hard work during this time was finally not in vain. I don't know if it was a psychological effect or she was really thin.

  She found that her waist was a little smaller.

  Half a month is calculated according to the normal weight loss, so you have to lose two or three catties, right?

  Yu Qing is not sure.

  This is also the reason why she didn't dare to lose weight because of the weak body of the original owner.

  During this period of time, I have been busy with work, exercising, opening up wasteland and growing vegetables, and building a kitchen. Anyway, I have been busy with all kinds of things, and I didn't even have time to stock up on the warehouse of the studio.

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