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  Chapter 421 Ma Wu Ye Grass Not Fat
  The pastry tastes good, but after breakfast, everyone just tasted it and praised its deliciousness.

  Mr. Ruan is not someone to be fooled with.

  "Girl Qing, you haven't opened the shop for long, and the two shops can't make a hundred thousand yuan."

  Facing the old leader who is mature and sophisticated, Yu Qing nodded honestly: "In such a short time, the two shops still can't make a profit. So much."

  "Qingqing, how did you earn this money?" Ruan Yong asked impatiently.

  Ruan Xiuhua said anxiously: "Qingqing, we don't make money that is illegal."

  Yu Qing sighed helplessly: "Okay, okay, anyway, this is my family, so I'll tell the truth." "

  We know a friend He was able to get overseas motorcycles, and we got a few of them. We made a lot of money by buying and selling them. Adding in the money from opening a shop and my previous savings, I managed to scrape together ten dollars. Ten thousand yuan."

  When it comes to cars, no matter what kind of car, men are always the most interesting topic.

  "Motorcycle?!" Ruan Xiuhua was more excited than the young nephews, "Qingqing, can your friend still get it?"

  This question was exactly what the four kings of the Ruan family wanted to ask.

  "Should be able to get it, Dad wants to buy it?"

  Yu Qing looked at Ruan Xiuhua's youthful face, coupled with his youthful attitude, in a few years when he takes his grandson out with him, outsiders may still misunderstand him as the child's dad.

  Well, in a few years, if Father Ruan has wrinkles on his face, she will give him a beauty pill to keep him young.

  After all, a young father is always more eye-catching than a gray-haired one. However, Zhou Jingfang should be worried about the future.


  Before Ruan Xiuhua could finish his thought, Zhou Jingfang interrupted: "Xiuhua, you want to buy it, do you have any money? You don't even ask Qingqing how much a motorcycle costs? Your salary is not only to support your family, How much is left?"

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