c 501-505

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  Chapter 501 Half a ton was born
  Just as the elders expected, within an hour after Yu Qing entered the delivery room, a baby's cry came from inside.

  "Give birth? This is birth!" Xiang Yisen wiped the sweat from his forehead, and his face that had been indifferent all year round became alive with joy, "I gave birth without hearing anything?" Grandma Ruan clasped her hands together

  . , muttering something, and after hearing what he said, he patted him angrily: "What do you mean by that, do you think Qingqing is born too fast?" "No, no, hurry up,

  Qingqing don't suffer, I How can you think it's too fast!" Xiang Yisen grinned and raised his hands in surrender.

  "Qingqing is a blessed child." Han Xue stared at the closed door of the delivery room with anticipation in her eyes.

  When other women give birth, they experience pain for several days and nights, but Yu Qing only took two hours from mobilization to delivery. Do you think she is a lucky one?

  They didn't have to wait long before the door of the delivery room was pushed open, and the hygienist came out with a swaddled baby.

  "Who is Yu Qing's family?"

  "We are all, I am her grandma, how is the mother doing now?" Grandma Ruan was strong and strong, and rushed to the health worker first, eager to inquire about Yu Qing's situation.

  The hygienist smiled and replied: "The condition of the parturient is very good. I will do the final cleaning inside. This is a precious daughter. Which one of you will hug first?"

  Grandma Ruan stretched out her hand involuntarily, but she quickly realized , retracted his hand again, pointed to Xiang Yisen next to him and said: "This is the father of the child, let the father hold it first." Xiang Yisen didn't refuse, wiped his hands

  on his body, and then carefully passed the hygienist's hand. Taking the swaddle in his hand, the first thing he saw was a red and wrinkled little face, his eyes were closed, his mouth was wriggling non-stop, and finally he yawned a little, which was not too cute.

  This cute appearance almost melted the hearts of the elders who surrounded her!

  Grandma Ruan first observed her tightly closed eyes: "Look at her long and narrow eyelids, she must have big eyes in the future."

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