chapter 31-32

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  Chapter 31 Running again

  Yu Qing didn't know what was going on in the factory. It was almost four o'clock in the afternoon when she arrived at the factory building.

  Fortunately, he didn't run away this time, and Mi Qianjin sat in the office.

  "Why are you here again?" Mi Qianjin got excited when he saw the woman walking into the office, and stood up abruptly.

  Yu Qing was confused by such a 'passionate' Mi Qiang.

  But he grinned at him, "Why? You can't come to your husband's office as a wife? What kind of rule is this   ?


In front of the door, I looked left and right and found that no one was in the corridor, so I closed the door with a sigh of relief.

  Yu Qing sat on the stool and stared at the slightly panicked back of the other party with interest, "Are you afraid that people will know about our relationship? Or is the relationship between our husband and wife invisible?"

  "Are you here today?" Other nonsense meters Going forward was too lazy to talk, and went back to the desk to sit down, "If it's for work, I'm afraid you've gone all the way for nothing today, and now it's hard to find a job, and I don't know how many people in the city are idle at home, waiting in line. Arrange the work." The

  work was arranged, and he didn't want to tell her happily, so let her rush it first.

  Hearing this, Yu Qing didn't want to lose her temper in front of Mi Qianjin, no matter how anxious she was in her heart.

  So she waved her hand as if she didn't care about Mi Qianjin, "It's not urgent, you can find it slowly, you must help me find an easy job with high wages and good benefits. I have been able to eat in the countryside these years. After a lot of hardships, it’s time to come to the city and enjoy the happiness.”

  Mi Qianjin couldn’t help sneering after hearing these words, squinting at the black and fat fat girl opposite, and smiled contemptuously: “Do What a dream? Why do I think the job you mentioned is more comfortable than the one I have now!"

  It's easy to get a job with high wages and good benefits, so just find an old man and marry it!
  Then you don't have to fight, just lie down and win!
  "How can this be compared? You are the leader of this machinery factory." Yu Qing said and waved her hand naively and emphasized, "I can't compare, I can't compare!"

  Mi Qianjin was laughed at by this shameless and ignorant woman. Still want to compare with him?
  Does she understand the word difference between clouds and mud?

  "If you still want to choose a job, it's a good thing if you don't choose a job. For a woman like you who needs culture without culture, looks without looks, and doesn't have skills without skills, they will look down on you if you are allowed to sweep the floor in the unit!"

  Mi Qianjin also Being forced, he spoke a little out of words.

  Yu Qing automatically ignored the personal attacks in front of her, and the last sentence made her eyes shine.

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