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  Chapter 211 Big Fudge

  "Being a man doesn't even know how to accumulate morals, and he will be punished sooner or later! In the past few years since he ran away from home, his adopted daughter, who he said was worthless, has been taking care of the family, taking care of his parents, and taking care of him at his parents' knees." Filial piety! Now that he belittles other girls like this, I don’t think he is short-hearted, but he is wicked!”

  “Comrade Yu, you…” Luo Qijun’s eyes widened in shock, he never expected to show a girl with a smiling face at all, but now he is like this Yes, tough!

  Yu Qing was full of anger, facing the shock of the other party, she just snorted coldly, "Don't stare so wide, I didn't wrong him, because I am the adopted daughter you said!"

  "Ah! This, this, this..."

  Luo Qijun was shocked beyond measure , Why is this world so small, if you just have a crush on a girl, you're wrong?
  Also, who told him that his adopted daughter is black, fat and cowardly, let alone uneducated?
  Is the woman in front of me who is both good-looking and strong is the same person?

  From what she said just now, it is hard to see that she is illiterate!
  "I still have something to do, please take it easy." After finishing speaking, she quickly walked out of the private room as if fleeing.

  The two leaders looked at each other, you looked at me, I looked at you, and then looked at Yu Qing's angry look, I didn't know how to comfort him for a while?

  They are men not good at this.

  Back in the room at night, Yu Qing was so angry that her temples hurt suddenly, which made her not sleep well all night.

  It was past nine in the morning when I woke up the next day.

  She went to the room of the two leaders next door to find them, and was told by the waiter that the two leaders had gone to the superior unit for a meeting, and they might not be able to return to the hotel until the afternoon, so she was allowed to do her own activities today.

  This is also because the two old leaders knew that she might be in a bad mood, so they found an excuse for her to take a day off and go shopping to relax.

  There is no way, the two old men have never comforted the little girl, and they racked their brains to come up with such a way.

  Yu Qing stood in the corridor and hesitated for a while, where can she go when the leader is on vacation?

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