c 411-415

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  Chapter 411 Solve the case
  City People's Hospital.

  Mi Zhu transferred here this afternoon, and took a brain film. There was congestion in the brain. The best way to dispel the congestion is to perform a craniotomy to drain the congestion.

  Since there is not much congestion, conservative treatment can also be adopted, and the congestion will dissolve slowly.

  Mi Qianjin wanted to have a craniotomy. When Li Juhua heard that a hole would be drilled in the head to extract the blood, she was so frightened that she refused to agree to the operation. She chose conservative treatment.

  After a round of examinations in the afternoon, after the patient was settled, and after taking care of Li Juhua after dinner, Mi Qianjin, who was dizzy from the busy afternoon, remembered that his wife was still at work, and he forgot to pick it up.

  "Come in, you're back." Li Juhua stretched her neck and looked back, her tanned face was full of dissatisfaction, "Where's your wife? Father-in-law is unconscious in the hospital, and she doesn't come to take a look?"

  Mi Qianjin explained: "I haven't seen her yet. I didn't pick up anyone when I went to her unit just now. I should go back to her natal home first."

  He returned the car to the machinery factory and returned to I didn't see anyone in the dormitory, so I should have gone back to my mother's house for dinner.

  As long as she is a pregnant woman, someone will take care of her, so that he can take care of the hospital with peace of mind.

  "How did she become a daughter-in-law? Her husband didn't come home for a day, and she didn't know how to care about it. She couldn't go home when it was dark." Li Juhua glared at her son, and said angrily: "I see that your daughter-in-law married When you come back, you just keep the pretty ones, but what’s the use of being nice and not useful?”


  “Okay, okay, I won’t talk about it, you will live the rest of your life on your own, and then you will know that marrying someone is not virtuous. My daughter-in-law, how hard and difficult life is.”

  Li Juhua sat by the hospital bed alone and sulked, but she was actually more worried about herself, if the old man didn’t survive this time, she would have to rely on her son to live alone . The son marries a bad wife, and she will suffer and suffer, and the family will not be able to do well.

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