c 506-510

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  Chapter 506 Regret:
  "The factory is on holiday today, and there is no boiling water in the boiling water room, so I will cook some myself."

  Mi Qianjin came in from the outside with a kettle in his hand, and immediately closed the door to stop him. The north wind blowing in from outside.

  Yu Tiantian, who just felt a little warm, shivered, "I don't care if there is hot water or not, you hurry up and enjoy the fire, it's too cold outside."

  Mi Qianjin came over with a kettle and sat down, and put the kettle on the electric stove , only occupies half of the position, and the other half is used to warm the fire.

  He rubbed his hands together and let out a sigh of relief, "I think it will snow these few days, you live in the dormitory alone, you need to prepare more supplies, when it snows, the supplies outside will be tight."

  "Thank you, I will remember." Yu Tiantian sighed again in her heart, she is really a caring and heart-warming man.

  It's just that he doesn't know what kind of woman his ex-wife is, who is willing to divorce such a good man. It's really crazy.

  After the water boiled and a cup of hot water was consumed, the two of them felt warm from the inside out.

  From this day on, the two will meet almost every day. From the outside, they look like a man and a woman who are passionately in love. Not seeing each other every day is like three autumns.

  But they are different from the lovers in love, they have not revealed this relationship to each other, but they are panicked after seeing each other for a day.

  Jian Wenji has his own family in the county below. Although he is divorced, he still has to be responsible for his own children, so the purchasing department has nothing to do at the end of the year, so he goes back and stays in a hurry for a day. I went back to my hometown, and it was impossible to come up again years ago.

  Tomorrow is the new year, Yu Tiantian and Mi Qianjin have made an appointment, and they will celebrate the new year together.

  After waking up in the morning and finishing her breakfast, Li Juhua was ready to go out to the farmer's market to buy vegetables with money in her pocket.

  Before leaving the house, she asked her son who was eating breakfast: "Jin Jin, what do you want to eat for today's New Year's Eve? Mom will buy it for you."

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