chapter 8

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  Chapter 8:
  "It's not just a thermometer, I'll pay you! I have something to say to her now, and I'll accompany you to the duty room when I'm done talking." Yu Xiaoling pointed at Yu Qing who had already gone to the ground, her eyes A real hatred burst out.

  "Oh! What a big breath!" It wasn't even a thermometer.

  "Clap!" The sky was already bright, and the hygienist forgot to turn off the light.   "Do you know how much technical content a thermometer has, how many processes it has to go through, and how much blood and sweat of the working people it has collected? What you are saying

  goes against the thinking of our toiling public!"

This humble rural woman in front of her.

  It is very serious for the hygienist to say this in this era. It is the essence of this era to save and save without waste. If some people listen to this, it will be a big deal!

  No matter how sad and grief Yu Xiaoling was, her mind was still there, and she was really taken aback by this remark, "This comrade hygienist, don't talk nonsense, breaking the thermometer was not my intention, it was an accident or careless, I told her. Can you go back and lose money?"

  Seeing that the rural woman's tone slowed down, the pleading expression calmed some of the anger in her heart, and the hygienist heaved a sigh of relief and his face turned slightly pale.

  "Okay, comrade aunt, let's go!"

  Yu Xiaoling hesitated for a while, thinking about going back to clean up the broom star, now the most important thing is to settle the hygienist, thinking about the broken thermometer, I feel distressed again, the money is small, it's plain It is a big waste to waste a thermometer.

  If it is not broken, you can take it home and use it with money.

  When he left, he didn't forget to turn his head and glared at Yu Qing.

  Yu Qing was indifferent to the hatred in her eyes, and regretted that she was taken away by the sanitation staff. Otherwise, she could avenge her scalp injury yesterday. Yesterday, she was weak and unable to fight back. Almost recovered. Seeing that Yu Xiaoling bumped into it again, I wanted to teach her a lesson!
  In no mood
  When he left, he frowned and glanced at the broken thermometer on the ground.

  This mercury can not be exposed to the air, especially in closed rooms.

  The hygienist ignored it, but she couldn't ignore it. She was living in this ward now, and she didn't want mercury poisoning.

  As soon as the ground was cleaned, the broom was returned, and Mi Weiguo was met at the door.

  Yu Qing saw that his eyes were bloodshot and his dark face was pale, and he knew that he had not rested well last night, so she politely called out, "Uncle Mi."

  Mi Weiguo nodded and asked in concern, "Are you feeling better? The doctor didn't say when you will be discharged from the hospital?"

  "The hygienist just notified me that you can be discharged today."

  Mi Weiguo thought about it and asked her for her opinion: "Xiaoqing, do you think this is okay? I have to go back today, but we have something to delay all morning, can you go back alone?"

  He was mainly worried that Yu Qing would go with them, and then go to work with Yu Xiaoling on the way. Then don't stop thinking about it.

  Yu Qing probably guessed Mi Weiguo's concerns, and smiled apologetically to him: "Uncle Mi, I have something to do today, so I won't go back to the village for the time being."

  "Where are you going? What are you doing?"

  Mi Wei Guo didn't expect that the little girl would not return to the village. At this time, he carefully looked at the little girl in front of him. The blue clothes were still clean but the patches were worn out. But it doesn't smell like yesterday.

  He thought that maybe the little girl took a bath in the hospital last night and her clothes were washed and dried. After all, there is a stove in the duty room around the corner.

  It was funny in my heart, the little girl also knew that she loved cleanliness when she entered the city.

  When asked where she was going, Yu Qing felt embarrassed. Seeing that Mi Weiguo had been staring at her, she replied in a low voice, "Mi Jin is back. In the city, I want to visit him in the city."

  (End of this chapter)

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