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  Chapter 401 Ready to buy
  the diesel engine factory This unexpected kiss made Yu Qing shrink back in shock, and looked at the other people in the store nervously, seeing that they didn't pay attention to this side, she breathed a sigh of relief and pinched him Soft waist.

  "This is outside, be serious."

  Xiang Yisen laughed lowly, and said innocently: "Hehe, how can I be serious?"

  Yu Qing wanted to say that you were not serious all over, but when she thought of what he just said Shocked: "The diesel engine factory will sell for 100,000 yuan?"

  Xiang Yisen said casually: "Well, what can they do if they don't sell it? The workers' wages can't be paid, there is no order and no income, and they can't make ends meet. If you don't sell the workers to eat It will become a problem, and in the end it may be like a match factory, and no one is willing to buy it if you want to sell the factory."

  "You don't think this price is one hundred thousand ." You can't buy it, but now you can buy a factory here.

  Of course, she wasn't being hypocritical, she was just feeling emotional.

  In this era, ten-thousand-yuan households are very powerful. In terms of gold conversion, 10,000 yuan is equivalent to several million in later generations, and one hundred thousand is also tens of millions in later generations.

  So it shouldn't be cheap to buy a small factory with tens of millions, right?
  "Do you think the price is too cheap?" Xiang Yisen pinched his silly wife's face, and said with a smile: "But don't forget, it's only just opened now, and it's very rare for a person to spend 100,000 yuan at a time."

  " You are praising yourself for being outstanding." Yu Qing followed his example and pinched his nose.   "However, can the leaders

  above know how much money we have?



  Yu Qing was thinking about her savings. The last time she cleaned up, it was 50,000 yuan. In addition, she sold a motorcycle in Yangcheng and bought a house in Yangcheng. The funds in and out were basically balanced.

  When I came back, I sold a motorcycle and earned 8,000 yuan in cash, rounded up to 60,000 yuan.

  In addition, the daily sales of the clothing store during the period of returning from Yangcheng was almost 30,000. These past few days, the sales of the bakery are almost 8,000 yuan.

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