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  Chapter 156 Jingyan Calculated
  in this way, if she wants to use the studio for a long time, the money in her Yu'e Bao will still be useful if she can't pay for water, electricity, gas, and Internet fees.

  Thinking of this, Yu Qing found her other mobile phone from the drawer, clicked on the payment software, but it still couldn't be used, that is to say, all the accounts under her name can only be used by this main account, and the others don't know why. All cannot be used, including the money in the account.

  I can't think about it, it hurts when I think about it.

  It wasn't until she stood under the shower with her eyes closed and let the hot water wash over her body that she felt extremely relaxed and comfortable.

  After taking a hot shower, I got into bed in my pajamas. My whole body was warm, and I felt relaxed both physically and mentally. It didn't take long for me to feel sleepy.

  I woke up before dawn the next day, resisted the urge to stay in bed, crawled out of the warm blanket, smoothed my loose hair with my fingers, opened the door and went to the kitchen to boil hot water.

  "It's so early today, Comrade Xiang."

  Xiang Yisen glanced across her body, and pointed to the cauldron on the stove, "The water is already hot, go wash up quickly."

  "Thank you."

  Yu Qing reluctantly She yawned uncontrollably. She went shopping too late last night, which caused her to lack sleep.

  After fetching a basin of hot water and returning to the room, she couldn't dawdle any longer. She brushed her teeth, washed her face, and then applied skin care products. She didn't dare to delay for a moment.

  I used to wear corduroy padded clothes, giving people the impression of being bloated. Now that he has successfully lost weight, he has dropped to 120. For a height of 1.6 meters, this weight is not considered fat.

  It's time for a different image to appear in front of everyone.

  Yu Qing changed into a warm tight underwear suit today, and put on a black bottoming shirt with a half-high collar that doesn't show her stomach. The front lining of the bottoming shirt has some small decorations, which is simple and not monotonous.

  The trousers were replaced with tall and thin wide-leg trousers, and then a pair of half-high-heeled leather shoes with fleece, huh!

  Visually, his height immediately increased by ten centimeters, from 1.6 meters to 1.7 meters in a few seconds.

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