chapter 7

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  Chapter 7 Mad Woman

  Rinse head to toe in hot water and wear a set of pajamas that are placed in the office. Wait for the clothes to be washed and carry the clothes out of the space.

  Hanging my clothes on the rack at the end of the bed, I woke up with a faint morning light.

  There was already the sound of people walking outside the ward. Afraid that someone would come to the ward for rounds, Yu Qing thought about quickly changing into the shabby clothes she washed in the middle of the night last night.

  She sat up with her body propped up, pushed the cloth shoes under the bed twice with her feet, and the corners of her mouth twitched a few times.

  What kind of cloth shoes are these?
  There are two big holes in the toe cap, and if you put on the big toe and four little brothers, at least three will be exposed. There is a line on the side of the shoe, but the heel is connected a little.

  You don't have to doubt this shoe, it is absolutely cool to wear in summer, because it can be worn as a sandal. Winter wear can definitely freeze ripe turnips on your toes.

  Yu Qingzhuo stepped on the rag shoes to the door and turned on the only incandescent lamp in the room. The dim yellow light illuminated the room, making the whole room feel warmer instantly.

  The clothes were dry, but they felt a little damp in my hand, barely able to wear them.

  Now that she is a patient, she was doing nothing in the ward, changed her clothes, pulled the door latch, and lay back again.

  As she expected, the room was pushed open not long after, and a female hygienist in her thirties walked in.

  "Is it Yu Qing?"


  "Come on, take your temperature. If it's normal, you can be discharged today." The hygienist tucked a thermometer into her armpit.

  "Thank you."

  She was a little flustered, and she didn't know where to take shelter when she left here.

  After confirming that the body temperature is normal and there is no other discomfort in her body, the hygienist informs her that she can be discharged from the hospital after the doctor goes to work and signs the consent form for discharge.
  "She is a broom star, not only a waste of social resources, but a waste of food! Why didn't you immerse you yesterday!"

  The sharp soprano sounded suddenly from behind, scaring the thermometer in the hand of the hygienist to slip and fall to the ground The ground was broken into three or four knots, and the mercury in the thermometer rolled into countless small silver beads.

  Yu Qing frowned. It was the crazy woman from yesterday. In an instant, she felt that her scalp was not only numb, but her scalp that had oozing blood from yesterday was aching again.

  The hygienist looked down at the thermometer that couldn't be picked up on the ground, and his heart was trembling with pain. He raised his head angrily, pointed at the culprit and angrily said, "Who are you? You don't even look at this place, this hospital is where you go wild? Now you made me smash a thermometer, hurry up and admit my mistake. , and then compensate according to the price!"

  After that, she dragged Yu Xiaoling out.

  She doesn't care about the contradiction between the two, at this time, she only knows that if she doesn't pull this woman to confess her guilt, she will have to carry the charge of damaging public property.

  "Hey! Don't pull me, I'm here to find this broom star to settle the account. She killed my son, eh. I said you let go!"

  In normal times, Yu Xiaoling caused the hygienist to break a thermometer, She may feel guilty and afraid, but now her son is dead. In her mind everything seemed insignificant compared to her son.

  "Comrade!" The hygienist held on to his hand and said sternly: "I don't care about your personal affairs, but if you damage public property, you have to compensate according to the price. This is the principle of wherever you go. Now go to the duty room with me to pay the compensation!"

  (End of this chapter)

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