chapter 27-28

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  Chapter 27 Returning without success
  Facing Xiao Zhang's concern and inquiries and Xiang Yisen's turning eyes, Yu Qing's face was a little hot for some unknown reason.

  "It's alright, thank you for your concern. I'll go first."

  Xiao Zhang looked at the stout back, who was obviously fleeing, confused.

  Xiang Yisen gave Xiao Zhang a meaningful glance, and without saying a word, passed him by and entered the technical department.

  Xiao Zhang was inexplicable at this glance, and touched his head, only to feel that there was something wrong with someone's thinking, and his actions became more and more strange.

  Back in the office, I kept thinking about the meaning of Xiang's last look.

  The outside corridor was quiet, and the people in the house threw themselves into their own affairs. In this quiet environment, a sudden exclamation!
  "Ah! I see!"

  Xiao Zhang's table patted, he finally wanted to understand the meaning of Xiang's last look, combined with the fat girl.
  He must have thought
  that the fat girl liked him!

  "Xiao Zhang, you are going crazy. You have nothing to do with the table. You want to scare people to death!" The only lesbian in the office, Xiao Cui glared at him fiercely.

  Who are you? Just now she was thinking about how many more laps to knit her sleeves. When he was so frightened, her clear thinking was interrupted again. Are you angry?

  Another colleague also looked at him like a neurotic, and Xiao Zhang quickly apologized to the two.

  And on the other side...

  Yu Qing left the road construction machinery factory and felt the heat on her face drop. At the same time, I was also wondering, how could my body's reaction just now be out of her control?

  It's not like I haven't seen a handsome guy before, but the man just now was just a little higher in altitude, a little taller in appearance, a little colder in temperament, and a little more bookish in his body, why would she blush and heartbeat?
  The abnormal reaction of her body made her heart alarm bell!
  I keep telling myself in my heart: Women must not be self-motivated! Especially with strangers!

  It was still early, it was time for work, and the street was cold and cold. Yu Qing kept her work in mind and was very upset.

  For a while, I didn't want to stay in the hostel too early, so I walked aimlessly on the street, looking for an aunt and aunt to ask where there is a house for rent.

  No matter if Mi Qianjin was trying to help her find a job or not, she didn't want to go back to Mijia Village in Shibali. Today, the clan consciousness is still very strong. She is an orphan girl who has offended the Mi family and wants to continue to live in Mijia Village. The difficulty in it can be imagined.

  So she wanted to take advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to rely on Mi to move forward.

  People in the world may call her despicable, or call her a white-eyed wolf. In short, in this alien world where she has no relatives, she is willing to cut herself and dare to pull the emperor off his horse!

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