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  Chapter 386 Gossip
  Yu Qing and the others left, tied up the sack of dried bamboo shoots tightly, and put the dried fish directly into the studio. Seeing that no one came yet, she went back to the small apartment.

  After closing the door and entering the studio, Xiang Yisen's motorcycle should have been assembled.

  When she went in, she saw Xiang Yisen holding the dried fish she had just brought in in his hand.

  When Xiang Yisen saw her coming in, he asked, "You just harvested this? So many?

  " Yes, I want to send it to my grandparents.”

  These dried fish were delivered by more than a dozen people, so they were all packed in plastic bags, and a dozen people equaled a dozen bags.

  Xiang Yisen flipped through it, and found a large bag of dried fish from the middle. The dried fish was two fingers wide, and it was easy to give as a gift. "Yes, I will send it to my father-in-law tomorrow."

  Yu Qing rolled her eyes in her heart, no Knowing the psychology of this man, he always likes to talk about Ruan Xiuhua. She said it was sent to grandma, but he insisted on sending it to father-in-law.

  Although they all sent to the same address and belonged to the same family, Yu Qing felt that something was wrong.

  So, she leaned over to him and asked with a smile, "Hey, Comrade Xiang, are you jealous of your father-in-law's youthful appearance?"

  Xiang Yisen looked at her incredulously, and denied it: "Why? We But the person who has the beauty pill."

  "Haha, yes, you are the person who has the beauty pill." Yu Qing couldn't help laughing, and she was finally guessed right.

  Seeing her trembling with laughter, Xiang Yisen dropped the bag in his hand, held her face and kissed her cherry red lips.

  "Hmm." Yu Qing slapped his hand, struggling, she was almost out of breath.

  Xiang Yisen let her go, and the taste came back in his mouth: "It's very sweet."

  "Tch! You just turned over the fish with your hand, and it's full of fishy smell." Yu Qing wiped her cheeks in disgust.

  "This is the smell of fish."

  Having said that, Xiang Yisen put away the dried fish and went to the kitchen to wash his hands.

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