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  Every family has its cupboard.

  While Qiao's family in the capital was in trouble, Zhou Jingfang in the provincial capital was also having a hard time these days.

  After what happened that day, her husband didn't pay much attention to her, her in-laws didn't treat her very much, and her stepdaughter spent most of her time taking care of the children.

  The only two in the family who treat her wholeheartedly are probably the only two brothers Ruan Nan Ruan Bei left.

  Ruan Xiuhua has been very busy recently, and he has no time to accompany her to mourn the spring and autumn. He resigned from his job in the provincial hotel and concentrated on several shops and small theaters.

  Yu Qing has to take care of the children, and also takes care of the small theater during the day. It can be said that every day is very fulfilling.

  Live life to the fullest, and time goes by unknowingly.

  One month later, Xiang Yisen only answered her phone call once, and her thoughts grew like weeds. She couldn't hold back her thoughts and made a few calls. Either she was sleeping with the baby, or she was out.

  If the factory wasn't too busy, he would have gone to the provincial capital to bring her back himself.

  Yu Qing was a bit reluctant to leave in the provincial capital, and the baby was taken care of by Grandma Ruan, so she was much more relaxed.

  Xiaozhuzhu is now basically breastfeeding and needs her when she sleeps at night. Usually, she is either taken care of by Grandma Ruan or the nanny, and in the arms of the two elders in the family.

  It seems that after Yu Qing, she has become the new little princess of the Ruan family, and the whole family dotes on her.

  After the family had dinner, Ruan Xiuhua sat on the sofa and asked her, "Qingqing, your brother's shop is wearing spring clothes, do you want to go to the shop together tomorrow?" "No, your shops are doing very well

  . Okay, don't worry about it." Yu Qing shook her head, the design drawings for the spring clothes were all made by her, and the quality of the ones made by Xuri Garment Factory should be fine.

  Otherwise, her manager would not have consigned her spring clothes.

  Grandma Ruan gave her an angry look: "Qingqing always wants to run out these days, and she rarely has time to accompany our Zhuzhu, and you are not afraid that Zhuzhu won't remember you as mother."

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