chapter 35-36

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  Chapter 35 The
  man on the second bar touched the thickness of the clothes in his hand, and secretly delighted in his heart. The price is a little higher than that of a supply and marketing agency or a department store, but she doesn't want a ticket. It is difficult to get a ticket in this era. Comparing the two, it is still She has a good deal here.

  So without saying a word, let Yu Qing help him get a set of the size he wears, and another set that is one size smaller than him to buy for his family.

  Yu Qing was stunned for a moment. She didn't want to open up for a big day. She couldn't help but rejoice, and hurriedly picked out the clothes and gave them to him.

  "Take it, two clothes and two pants, a total of 22 yuan." The

  man put all the clothes into the cloth bag in his hand, and after paying the money, he asked one more question: "Comrade, if you come here in the future, will you still be able to? Looking for you?"

  "This is not necessarily, you know." Needless to say, everyone understands, who can guarantee that they will come again in the future?

  "It was me who was rash, that comrade, can you get some cotton-padded clothes?" The man asked again, the weather was getting colder and the family was in short supply of clothes!

  "I still say that, not necessarily."

  The slow-moving goods in the warehouse have not been cleared out. Who knows if there are cotton clothes that match this era?
  There is also the entire warehouse waiting for her to take inventory, and she still doesn't know what year and month it will be. So she will not promise anything that is unknown and uncertain. Moreover, it is people who do not know each other in the market.

  The man leaves in disappointment.

  With the first customer, it opened. Later, the business seemed to be logical, and it didn't take long for a bag of clothes to be sold out.

  As soon as the goods were cleared, Yu Qing didn't want to stay outside any longer, so she lifted her feet and left. After all, it's still two months away from 1980. It's already winter, and the weather is very cold.

  "Hey! Comrade, wait."

  Just after taking a few steps, someone grabbed her arm. Yu Qing broke free from the shackles and roared, "Huh! What do you want?

  " Look this way, and the man pulling her is a seller not far away.

  Her goods have been sold out, what do you want to do with her now?
  Want to rob! ?

  The man also found that his actions were reckless, which caused the attention of the surrounding people. Hearing Yu Qing's bad tone, he hurriedly stepped forward and lowered his voice. Dao Ming's intention of coming here can be regarded as the heart of the fat mother-in-law.

  "Comrade, don't get excited."

  "." Yu Qing was so angry! Can she not be excited?

  How about you just sold a huge sum of money, and just wanted to carry the huge sum of money to get away, but you don't want to be grabbed by someone and won't let you leave, what are your thoughts and feelings?

  The man quickly waved his hand and looked left and right, with a look of fear of being discovered, causing Yu Qing to follow him subconsciously and look left and right.

  "I don't mean anything else, I just want to ask you, are your clothes and pants still in stock?"

  Yu Qing raised her eyebrows: "What do you mean? Make it clear once, don't play tricks with me here, leave half of what you say. "The

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