chapter 39-40

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  Chapter 39 Angry enough

  Yu Qing smirked exaggeratedly, looking up and down as if looking at the goods, and then said: "You told me all over your body that today is good news, you didn't realize it yourself. ?" When

  Mi Qianjin heard the words, he couldn't help lowering his head to check himself, but found nothing wrong: "Why do you see it?"

  He wanted to save some face for him because he was looking for a job for her, but this person was not abusive.

  Yu Qing pointed at him up and down, "You are all dressed in smooth water. People who know say you like to be neat, but those who don't know you think you're here for a blind date today."

  "You" Mi Qianjin's gloomy eyes are like copper. Staring at Yu Qing like a bell, the good mood just now was completely destroyed.

  Fatty bastard!

  Dogs bark!

  "Am I wrong?" Yu Qing mercilessly lifted his last disguise, saying that she didn't see her sadness, so she told the truth plainly:

  "To dress so well, it's nothing more than a good mood, and a good mood. Well, it's nothing more than my scumbag wife can finally go to court, I'm no longer an obstacle for you and your Bai Yueguang to be together, and I can't become a stain on your life. Finally, I can draw a clear line with me. So your heart is relaxed, happy, excited, and your mood is unparalleled!"

  At the end, every time Yu Qing said a word, Mi Qianjin's face became a little gloomy. come out.

  After all, people always have a selfish side.

  "Have you said enough?"

  Yu Qing's life lessons in her previous life told her that as a human being, she must know what to do when she sees it.

  Seeing the black face of the man opposite, she smiled brightly at him again: "It's over, now it's your turn."


  Mi Qianjin tried hard to forbear, took a deep breath to control his emotions, he is good, this kind of woman gets out as soon as possible, as far as she goes, sooner or later, she will be so angry that she vomits three liters of blood!

  The last time I saw him for the first time, at first glance, Yu Qing had a good impression of him, his stern temperament was very eye-catching, coupled with his tall and long body, straight and long legs gave him extra points, and he looked at the flowers from a distance.

  Now, seeing the former 'Flower of the High Mountains' being knocked down into the world by her, Yu Qing has a great sense of accomplishment, especially when she sees the blue veins of the other party's temples beating faintly, her mood is more beautiful and her smile is brighter.

  Mi Qianjin was so angry, "You don't understand how people look at people's faces?"

  He didn't see him being angry, but he laughed so much!
  "Ah! What?" Yu Qing blinked.

  Mi Qianjin looked at her ignorant appearance, and felt annoyed in her heart. What did she care about with an unskilled village girl!
  She took out a few pieces of paper from her document bag, threw it on her face, and walked away without looking back, "Remember what you said, we will not owe each other in the future, let's be well!"

  Yu Qing hurriedly wiped her face from her face . The admiral pulled the paper down, not caring about the slightly aching face, and looked down, hey! What are you still thinking about!
  As for what Mi Qianjin said, she didn't pay attention. Even if he didn't say it, she didn't want to get involved with him again.

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