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  Chapter 76 Going to the Fair
  When sleeping at night, Yu Qing looked at the small wing room where the original owner lived and didn't have any thoughts.

  It's not your own, and you expect the Mi family to live in a good house for her, as long as it doesn't leak from the rain or the wind, you'll be lucky.

  But when she saw the quilt on the bed, Yu Qing couldn't calm down. Rather than saying it was a quilt, it was better to say that it was a ball of rags piled up one after the other. If she used this quilt to cover one night in this winter, she was worried that she would lose her composure. cold.

  Fortunately, Mi Zhu seemed to have heard her heart, and sent Li Juhua to bring a thick quilt, and Yu Qing let out a sigh of relief.

  Lying down on the small bed in her memory again, Yu Qing spent the night peacefully.

  The next day, before breakfast, Mi Weiguo came.

  Mi Weiguo wanted to get things done early, and he was also worried about Yu Qing's situation at Mi's house last night, so he came here early.

  But Yu Qing didn't want to eat Li Juhua's breakfast at this house anymore, so she urged Mi Zhu to take her household registration book and go to town together.

  You can eat breakfast in town, of course, Yu Qing must be the one to treat you.

  One bowl of rice noodles per person cost six cents plus nine taels of food stamps, which made Mi Weiguo feel distressed, for fear that Yu Qing would make her hungry because of their food and drink this month.

  Things went smoothly, and when Yu Qing got the certificate of moving out, she was very excited. At the same time, I also thank Mi Weiguo for his help and Mi Zhu for not being embarrassed.

  Feeling convulsed, Yu Qing gave Mi Zhu 20 yuan. Back in the city, she scavenged a dozen yuan and some food coupons from Mi Qianjin.

  She didn't have to pay back the food stamps, so she compensated them with a few extra dollars, and made up a whole number, so that the two of them would not owe each other in the future, so they could be well.

  There are still things to do in the village, and it is impossible to stay in the town for a long time. When the three separated, Mi Weiguo gave her the bag he had been carrying all the time, and told her: "This is prepared for you by your aunt. Alright."

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