chapter 41-45

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  Chapter 41 Shopping for items
  Yu Qing doesn't know the inner workings of the second bar. If he knows, he will definitely beat him up. If he doesn't know, he will make you a pig head first.

  Seeing Ergang Chu froze there, she stretched out her hand and shook it in front of his eyes, and got angry when she was bumped?
  "I miss Xiaoqian!"

  "Ah! Is there something wrong?" Er Gang returned to his senses.

  "Of course I have something to do with you." No matter who comes to your place, Yu Qing has already thought about what she is missing, "Prepare me a bed, a lunch box, toothpaste, toothbrush, cup, washbasin, bucket"

  "Wait." Two Bar interrupted her to continue, and asked: "Speak up, do you always live in the city or where?"

  Yu Qing shook her head: "Not in the city."

  "Is that so," Er Bar couldn't help but reminded Said: "It's cost-effective for you to buy bedding and toiletries from me. Are you sure you want to buy the washbasin and bucket from me?"

  Yu Qing was confused: "What do you mean?"

  "The washbasin is a ceramic basin, you carry so many things. , bumped all the way, the porcelain is easy to knock off, this pot of ceramics is not useful, it is easy to rust and leak water. I only have iron buckets here, this will not knock off, but it is not good for you to take so many things Bring it up."

  "What should I do then? We can't use basins and buckets, right?"

  It might be inconvenient for others to carry it, but Yu Qing has a studio, so don't worry about it.

  The second bar sincerely suggested: "Isn't there a woodworker in the countryside? You can ask a woodworker to help you make a wooden tub and barrel, which is practical, cheap and not broken."

  Yu Qing curled her lips. A bucket is equivalent to carrying a bucket of water.

  "That one is too bulky, we can't even lift our arms and legs." She also slapped her legs symbolically.

  When Er Bar saw her pretending, the corners of his mouth twitched involuntarily. He had never seen such a fat woman before, don't think he didn't know she was pretending.

  He was deceived by her twice in the contact. In the middle of the day, he just discovered that the skin of her wrist was not equal to her age.

  If you have doubts and look closely, there are too many flaws.

  Yu Qing was too lazy to talk to him, "Are you in stock now?"

  "Yes, but not much." When a business came to the door, the second bar beamed with joy, "But, I still have what you can measure by yourself."

  Then Yu Qing followed him into the room where he was storing the goods.

  There were no shelves in the room, only a canopy bed, with two quilts and two large fiber bags on the canopy bed, which should be the two large bags of clothing sold to him last night.

  Items that are not easy to get wet are placed everywhere on the ground, and there are also a pile of porcelain bowls in the innermost position against the wall.

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