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  Chapter 466 The Account Exploded

  Because yesterday was quite busy, and it was the third trimester of pregnancy, Yu Qing slept very deeply this time, and fell asleep until the sun was up.

  If Xiang Yisen hadn't gone to the factory and came back again, waking her up for breakfast, she thought she could just sleep until noon for lunch.

  "Baby, get up and have breakfast."

  Xiang Yisen helped her sit up from the bed, and Yu Qing leaned lazily on his body, not wanting to move at all.

  "I'm so tired."

  My brain was full of sleep, but my body felt extremely tired, and my stomach was so hungry that I felt like I could eat a cow.

  "You want to rest, let's sleep after eating." Xiang Yisen coaxed softly.


  Yu Qing forced herself to leave the bed and go to the bathroom to wash up.

  For breakfast, Xiang Yisen prepared sweet eight-treasure porridge, added two meat buns, and a plate of pan-fried octopus.

  Yu Qing took a sip of eight-treasure porridge, and the porridge was very thick, "It's delicious, would you like another bowl?"

  Xiang Yisen nodded, got up and helped herself to a bowl, and ate with Yu Qing up.

  The octopus is fried crispy and eaten with porridge, which is very delicious.

  "Almost half of the seafood in the studio has been eaten. It should be able to last for a few more months. We must save more when we go to Yangcheng next time." As for the

  fruits I bought in Yangcheng last time, like lychees and longan She didn't dare to eat it, and she didn't know what was going on, as long as she ate it, she would get angry.

  It may be because of her pregnancy that her current physique has changed.

  "Okay, let's save more next time we go."

  A big bowl of porridge, two big meat buns, and a plate of pan-fried octopus, except Xiang Yisen ate a few pieces, which were all eaten by Yu Qing.

  My stomach is full and my heart is at ease.

  Pregnant women really can't be hungry, they will panic when they are hungry.

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