c 471-475

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  Chapter 471 Knowing
  As if thinking of something, Lu Jinzhong added: "Sister-in-law is pregnant, and you should be able to be a grandmother soon." Han Xue raised her head in astonishment, and looked

  at Lu Jinzhong to confirm: "Is this true?"

  "Sister-in-law has a big belly, can I be wrong?" Lu Jinzhong gestured at Yu Qing's big belly with both hands.

  Han Xue didn't expect their husband and wife to be so fast. Now she hears it like a dream, and she will be a grandmother soon.

  Thinking about the youngest son who is only a few years old at home, it feels a bit dreamy!

  After finally getting rid of Han Xue, Lu Jinzhong heaved a sigh of relief, and went back to the hotel to check the several real estate certificates in his bag. This trip to the capital was a successful mission and a lot of rewards.

  Things are done, the capital is the same as it was a few years ago, there is nothing to visit. I am afraid of meeting acquaintances, such as Aunt Han.

  I don't even want to go home, and that home doesn't have much warmth, so it's better not to go back.

  There's nothing left to do, so it's better to buy a ticket early and go back early. Strolling in the capital is not as important as going back to make money.

  On the way back, Han Xue thought that her eldest son would soon become a father, and was filled with emotion for a moment. The vegetable basket in my hand was tired, so I changed it to another one. Finally, I got to the door of the house. Before I entered the house, I heard the sound of a child crying from inside the house.

  "What's the matter?"

  Concealing the disgust in his eyes, he pushed the door open and went in, only to see a one-year-old boy lying on the floor rolling and crying, while the mother was sitting on a stool beside her and stared at him silently. Looking at the little boy, he seemed very angry.

  She quickly put the vegetable basket on the ground, and hugged the child rolling on the ground.

  "Jinxiu, in such a cold day, why do you let the child roll on the ground, and don't hug and coax him. When the child catches a cold and coughs, it will be you who feel distressed, and the child will suffer."

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