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  Yu Qing was walking in the courtyard when she heard a knock on the courtyard door. When she opened the courtyard door, she blinked in surprise when she saw the person standing outside.

  "Comrade Luo, what are you doing? Are you here at your parents' house today?" She remembered that Luo Qijun's parents lived in a yard not far from her.

  Luo Qijun smiled shyly, and handed the fish in his hand to her: "We caught this fish in the river. We were lucky today and caught a lot. I sent some to my parents, knowing that you are pregnant. , I’ll send you two by the way, so don’t dislike them.”


  Yu Qing was slightly taken aback, and a net bag appeared in her hand as soon as she sank, “Comrade Luo, this, this is not good, the wild fish in the river It's very precious, and you won't accept it for nothing."

  "There's no reason to take back the gift I gave, I'll go first." After Luo Qijun finished speaking, he turned his head and ran away like a kid.

  Yu Qing looked at the fish in her hand, then at the figure running away, she really didn't know whether to cry or laugh, how could she give something away like this?
  Back in the yard, Han Xue saw the two fish in her hand, and she asked in surprise, "Where did the fish come from?"

  Yu Qing didn't hide it either: "It was given by the original owner of this house."

  Han Xue took it Passing the net bag in her hand, she tsk-tsk: "There is such a good person who bought his house and sent things over from time to time? This fish is very fresh, and it can be stewed at night." Saying

  , She looked back at Yu Qing: "Pregnant women eat more fish, and the children born are smart."

  Yu Qing waved her hand: "Mother-in-law, you can see the arrangement."

  Luo Qijun who got back in the car took a deep breath, started the car and went The unit drives away.

  "You sent the fish to your aunts and uncles, but they didn't keep you for dinner?" Yanyan saw that he just picked up four fish and got off the car, thinking that he gave all of them to Father Luo and Mother Luo.

  Luo Qijun pursed his lips and did not answer.

  The car is driving on the road, and I have been fishing for a day today, and at this moment I am exhausted.

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