chapter 15-16

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  Chapter 15 Confrontation
  Although Yu Qing was not the original owner, this also greatly hurt her self-esteem. She gritted her teeth and said, "The husband and wife are   reunited   !

  " What are you doing?"   "Husband and wife reunion!"   "Go back! Don't make trouble! I have to go to work."   "You go to your class, but it won't hinder our husband and wife reunion."   There was no progress in these quarrels, Mi Qianjin pinched the bridge of his nose and talked with him. Such an illiterate rural woman is reasonable, she really is a scholar who meets a soldier—it's not clear if she's reasonable!   "What do you want?"   Without waiting for Yu Qing to speak, he continued: "Don't tell me about the reunion of husband and wife, I will never be able to be husband and wife with you in my life, it's good for everyone to break up as soon as possible! Tell me about your ultimate goal. !"   At this moment, no matter how stupid he was, he knew that the other party was messing with him, and he just wanted him to compromise first, so as to tell him the terms of breaking up.   It doesn't matter if she goes bankrupt and eliminates disasters, the most important thing is that she should not be greedy!   Yu Qing raised her brows, not too stupid.   Immediately after a thought, yes, if this man was stupid, he wouldn't have gotten into this position at a young age.   "You have a new love?"   Mi Qianjin's heart skipped a beat, but he denied it: "Nothing."   Yu Qing carefully observed his expression and saw that he had no guilt, which showed how strong his psychological quality was, "Yes or no, I don't know either, just as you said, without me, I should have come to the factory to reunite with your husband and wife." To   be honest, she didn't want to negotiate with such a firm-minded person, but she was forced to a desperate situation and could only force on the scalp.   "Don't even think about it!" Mi Qianjin was crazy, why couldn't he get around this couple's reunion?

  Yu Qing looked at the man in front of her with all her leisure time, who wanted to kill her, and then acted like she couldn't help it, and waited until the appreciation was over.

  With a sigh in my heart, even if this man looks talented, he is not her thing.

  "If you want to break up with me, how are you going to compensate for the loss of my youth?" The

  other party's attitude suddenly changed, Mi Qianjin was stunned for a moment, seeing her good expression, thought for a moment: "I only have four hundred yuan in my hand, you If it is agreed that we will have nothing to do with each other in the future. I will borrow some from my colleagues, and if I collect 500 yuan, it will be used as the money for the separation of the family. At the same time, thank you for taking care of my parents in the past few years. "

  The money for the separation of the family!

  Yu Qing thought to his face, this man was so brazen, he didn't even have the courage to admit that they were husband and wife.

  Then again, it's better this way, and it just so happens that she doesn't want to admit that she had a seat with him back then.

  However, trying to send her away for five hundred yuan is too beautiful!
  "I don't want your money."

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