chapter 10

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  Chapter 10 Asking for directions
  "Next time we meet, I will definitely thank them."

  "Well, I have to thank them." The

  two of them were completely unaware that Yu Qing had never met the two of them. How to thank them?

  Mi Weiguo told some precautions when going out, so he separated from Yu Qing. There were two in the village yesterday in the hospital, one woke up and the other stiffened.

  He had a headache thinking that the ferry boat belonged to his own village!
  When Yu Qing walked to the end of the corridor, she could still hear mourning cries coming from the backyard, but she didn't stop. She exited the inpatient department consisting of a row of brick buildings. Yu Qing stood at the hospital gate, watching Don't know which direction to go on the bumpy street?
  "Where are you going, girl?" The enthusiastic gatekeeper saw that the fat girl had been standing at the door for a long time. Judging by her clothes, she should have come from the country to see a doctor in the city.

  He has seen many such people here for many years as a gatekeeper. Most of them are in the city for the first time and lose their way and don't know where to go.

  Yu Qing turned her head and smiled at the uncle who came over to her: "Uncle, where do you want to take the bus from the county to the city? Or which direction does the station go?"

  "Going to the city?" She pointed in the direction again and said, "Keep walking along this street, and when the street turns, you will follow the turn, and you will arrive at the station when you reach the end.

  " If you want to go to the city by car, it is customary for everyone to wait there for the bus.

  "However, fat girl."

  Yu Qing's mouth twitched wildly, either fat or black. From yesterday to today, she has given up any hope for the beauty of this body.

  She smiled at the uncle with a stiff face: "Master, you say."

  The uncle didn't pay attention to her slightly stiff expression, but he felt that the smile on her face was very happy, and continued: "As far as I know, the bus to the city does not leave twice a day, and nowadays the people in the county mostly rely on the city to go to the city. Let's walk."

  Yu Qing was surprised: "Master, how far is it from our county to the city?"

  Don't blame her for being surprised, she has not re-adjusted to this identity and environment since she came back. In later generations, unless the young people are walking by a few steps, they will either drive or take the bus to go to a place within a mile or two.

  Take Yu Qing herself as an example, she chooses to take the bus even if the distance between the two bus stops is.

  Could it be that the county seat is not too far from the city, or who would use the footsteps to measure it?

  The uncle was silent for a while in his heart, and then said quietly: "It should be about a hundred miles to walk along the road, which is quite far."

  "It's so far!" Yu Qing sucked in a breath of cold air, she had to walk on her feet In the past, with this body, she had to cool down first.

  "Of course, when the road was built, it was necessary to consider the villages it passed along the way. It was a bit twisty. If ordinary people want to walk to the city on their feet, they would definitely not be stupid enough to walk on the road."

  Yu Qing didn't turn her head . , thinking a bit slower: "If you don't walk on the road, what other road can you take?" The

  uncle looked at Yu Qing with the eyes of a fool, and said in a natural tone: "Of course it's a path, and a path doesn't have the rigidity of width. The request can be directly interspersed with villages and fields, it can be said that it is a straight line, and the distance is at least nearly 40 miles shorter."

  Yu Qing was about to ask how the road was going, when there was a heartbreaking cry in the distance. , shocked the two of them, what happened?

  The two of them turned their heads at the same time, watching three or five groups of people coming here, mixed with one or two women crying in grief.

  (End of this chapter)

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