My ghost bf Tate

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*slight trigger warning for sh sorry u can skip*

I get back from school getting bullied as always i go to my room and slam the door stressed out

My dad has a appointment for therapy right now but i was to mad to even look at who it was i walk to my restroom and consider getting my razor before i hear a knock on the door i open it while saying "yeah" and im taken back by a handsome actually really cute boy with blonde curls that laid perfectly on his forehead

He has brown eyes and soft pink lips hes everything i could wish for "oh uhm i heard you slam your door earlier" he says i snap out of my thoughts "oh yeah sorry about that i was just mad because of school and getting bullied-" i trail off before i realize im starting to ramble i look down at the ground

He grabs my chin "hey its okay school fucking sucks but you can't do anything about it so keep your head up and dont listen to people because i think you're...beautiful" tate says looking me up and down

I smile and try to cover my blush i grab his hand and bring him to my room and play music "you like music?" I say turning to look at the blond haired boy infront of me "hell yeah, got any kurt cobain on there?" I smile and sit down across from where he is

"Whyd u move here" the boy says "my dad had an affair and my mom caught him in the act" i say looking at him "you should never hurt someone you love" he says grabbing my hand "i know right anyways he cheated my mom caught him and she had a miscarriage and we moved here for a new start but i think its all kinda going to shit for me" i say looking down fiddling with the boys hand

"Hey" he says and grabs my face with his other hand that im not holding "your beautiful and i would really like to get to know you better and dont listen to those dipshits who cant do anything better with their lives cause from the looks of it your a cool girl and i wanna know you better" the boy says softly smiling i smile and look down

"Y/n, my names y/n y/l/n" i say in a soft whisper "tate, tate langdon" he says and i smile a little and i lean in slowly with tates hand still on my cheek and his other hand still holding mine

He leans in too our breath becoming uneven before our lips morph together moving slowly against one another i grab the back of tates neck with both hands softly and he grabs my waist pulling me to straddle him

Our kiss is passionate and sweet he rubs my hips and i play with his hair a little he has very soft lips just like i imagined maybe even better

Tate wraps his arms around my waist and squeezes so im closer to his body we kiss for a sec and we sit there holding each other and we kiss softly a couple times "your beautiful y/n" tate says i smile and kiss him once more

"Come on" i say getting up already missing the feeling of being held and being on tates lap only to grab his hand and lead him to my bed

Tate lays down and grabs my hands bringing them close to his face and i have my arms wrapped around his body and i lay my head on his head so im basically holding him from the back

Its already pretty late and i kiss tates face one last time before me and him drift off to sleep...

This one was actually cute omg i might continue this tate imagine and make diff parts but still post other imagines of characters but this is really cute and this time i just woke up soo yeah im tired love yall *mwah mwah mwah* bye byeeee

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