Smoke Kisses (part 3)

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This has more smut than the last one sooo

One thing i love about clay is that hes such a child during work hes annoying and does shit to make you mad on purpose and after work he is a cute still annoying child who clings to you and loves you so much

Its been a while and me and clay still do the same thing usually fuckin around after work occasionally making out or it ends with you moaning his name again and his hand down your pants

I sit in the lab this time its zoes and franks duty to care for rocky who is a dog that the serum worked on and there really isnt any bad side affects so far i stand up and walk over to some scans i have to look over and today for some reason clay was a little busy so he is doing some other stuff as well i guess

I suddenly feel strong arms wrap around my waist making me jump before i realize its clay and i sigh relaxing into him "hows it going baby?" He says "good its all looking fine my love" i say turning around in his arms facing him before i kiss him softly pulling him close to me

He smiles into the kiss making me smile "do you want to come over to mine today?" I ask and he nods frantically and i smile before starting to grab my things "we can pick up your car tomorrow or i can take you to work tomorrow" i say and he nods i grab his hand before turning off the lights in the lab and mine and clays computer and we head out of the building

We head over to my car and i unlock it and go to the drivers seat clay getting in the passenger i put the car in reverse backing out before i go into drive and i grab clays hand in mine and we start heading to my house

After a minute we make it to my house and i park before getting out and we walk to my front door opening it and we walk inside and i turn on the light throwing my bag onto my counter before i untie my shoes and throw them onto the floor and clay takes his shoes off as well

I grab clays hand guiding him through the house "what do you want to do?" I ask and he shrugs his shoulders "i mean i have an idea" he says and i raise my eye brows "and what exactly is that idea" i say smiling slightly since i have an idea of what hes gonna say "well where's your room?" He says making me smile i fucking knew it

I hold his hand tighter as we walk to my room and i flip on the light "not much but it does the trick" i say as he looks around "its cute it fits you" he says making me smile i take off my sweater throwing it to the side before i sit on the bed patting the space next to me for him to sit down with me and he makes his way over to my bed

"What was that idea hm?" I ask innocently "do i have to say it you already know y/n" he says and i shrug my shoulders "i dont know what you're talking about" i say knowingly "please dont make me say it y/n" clay says pleadingly and i shrug my shoulders again "fine then ill show you" he says before he grabs my face pulling me close to him and he kisses me softly before going on top of me towering over me

I kiss him back lovingly our heads turning left and right as our lips work together giving me butterflies he kisses my cheek to my jawline and finally to my neck leaving even more marks damn zoe is literally gonna make me 'do my hair' in the lab restroom while she watches so i dont 'burn' myself

Soft moans leave my mouth as i play with his hair tugging softly on the strands making little almost inaudible sounds leave his mouth but i can feel his breath on my neck and if i wasnt this close i wouldnt have been able to hear it

"I need you now" i plead running my hands over his bare lower back after i lifted his shirt up a bit and he looks at me in the eyes before he grabs the bottom of my shirt and lifts it over my head throwing it onto the floor and he helps me take off his shirt before he starts unbuttoning my pants and i lift my butt up with my legs as he slides them off throwing all the clothes off the bed and he takes his pants off as well

Me with my undies and bra on and him with only his underwear on making me feral his toned body that i have yet to see damn i could finish right there clay reaches for my bra and i help him undo it in the back after he had some failed tries but thats okay and i slide the straps down my arms showing my uncovered breasts

He cups one in his hand before taking the other in his mouth making me throw my head back a bit before he reaches for my undies sliding them down my bare legs and i try and cover myself a bit but hes quick to grab my hands admiring my body like im the only person in the world right now

I reach for the waistband of his underwear slipping my fingers past the band teasing him making him throw his head back a bit before i finally slide them off his hard on exciting me even more "do you have a rubber?" I ask and he nods reaching for his pants grabbing one out of his pocket "ever since we did those smoke kisses i always made sure i had a condom" he says and i smile slightly before he slides it on and looks at me "you sure baby?" He asks and i nod "yes please clay" i plead

He slides inside of me slowly making me gasp and squeeze my eyes shut and i thought his hands felt good

He moves out before moving back inside of me making moans leave my mouth as i try and cover my mouth and clay grabs my hand "i wanna hear you baby we arent in the lab" he says making more moans leave my mouth as groans leave him "faster" i whimper and he listens picking up the pace making me whimper and moan loudly his groans making me more heated getting me closer to the edge

I dig my nails into his back throwing my head back in ecstasy "clay, oh fuck" i whimper before i finish all over him my moans louder than before as i pant heavily he finishes right after me and we ride out our highs calming down finally panting still trying to catch our breath

He pulls out of me and throws away the rubber and i quickly use the restroom before coming back and i lay next to him and he pulls me closer to him his warm body warming my body up as well an overwhelming feeling of happiness hits me and i smile digging my face into the crease of his neck making him laugh a bit "i love you clay" i say softly "i love you too" clay says before he looks down at me and kisses me softly on my lips and i lay my head on his chest before falling asleep

Ive never loved anyone more...

I had a dream about evan that he kidnapped me but he had a buzz cut like when he played kai and he was taking off my bracelets so i couldnt use them to hurt him or anything and i was listening to everything he said cause in my mind i know that evan is my comfort person so i knew he wouldnt hurt me in my dream and he saw my SH scars and he kissed them and i woke up a little after that so i couldnt finish the dream anyways i love you *mwah mwah mwah* bye bye my love

evan and some taissa or ahs imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now