Bakery (kit walker)

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I get up because its finally my duty to make bread so i wipe my pants to make them look presentable and walk down some long halls and get to the kitchen

I see kit alone just hitting the bread as hard as he can hes mad but he sure looks fine i walk up to him and wrap my arms around his waist while hes hitting the dough making him jump a bit and he sighs when he realizes its me and holds my arms gently rubbing them while taking deep breaths

"Whats wrong hm?" I coo softly and he turns around and i see a cut on his lip "what happened" i say rushing over to him holding his cheek softly and he shrugs his shoulders "it was dr. Arthur" he says softly "again?" I ask and he nods i walk closer to him moving some out of place hairs on his face and he gently wraps his arms around my waist our bodies close our face kinda close

"What's wrong?" I say again and he sighs "am i a killer?" He asks me and i look at him "of course not ki-" i say but he grabs my throat tightly looking more angry almost as a test "am i a killer" he says more stern "no you are not" i say looking him dead in the eyes my face as plain as possible if imma be honest hes pretty hot grabbing my neck like this

"And how i know you're not just saying that?" He says his look almost intimidating "ill show you" i say my eyes flickering down to his lips the small cut on his soft pink lips i yearn to have against mine and more i lean in his hand still around my neck making me more heated i kiss his lips softly before he kisses back pulling me closer by my neck and he finally lets go our lips against each other hungrily his big hands move more up my back my dress wrinkling a bit

He grabs my waist firmly and sets me on the table quickly before kissing me again over and over his soft lips against mine making me almost lose my mind after a moment of just a makeout sesh we finally pull away his hands still on my waist "do you believe me?" I ask almost whispering and a soft smile comes onto his face and he nods softly "yeah i believe you a lot" he says a smile appearing onto my face as well

"I cant wait till we make it out here we can live a life together if you want" i say shrugging my shoulders "i promise we will" he says and i smile more my hands grabbing his face to kiss him again him holding me close to him before we separate our lips and he nuzzles his head into the crook of my neck leaves soft kisses "i promise we will" he repeats softly "i take promises seriously kitty" i say using his nickname that i came up for him and i feel him smile against me "i swear to my word, we can go back to my place and just finally be free with each other" he says my hands running through his hair as he hugs me tightly "i would love that kit" i say softly just enjoying his warmth

"I wish you knew me out of the asylum, i swear im not this angry or scary" he says almost pleading laced with regret "i know, you are the sweetest person and i can tell even while you're here with me in this nasty place" i say "i would have treated you so well while i was out of here, and i will when we finally make it out" he says and a smile makes its way onto my face "i never want to leave you" he says softly "me either i wouldn't be able to live with myself" i say softly and he just holds me tighter

"I dont want to go back to the cell" he says softly "me either kit but we'll be okay it'll all work out i promise" i say "i promise" i say again only this time a whisper only he can hear as reassurance i feel him kiss my shoulder a couple times and he lifts his head up to look into my eyes me looking into his beautiful hazelnut eyes i can get lost in "such a pretty boy" i mutter softly and he smiles a bit laying his lips onto mine once again

I return the kiss love and comfort lacing the kiss as i grip onto his shirt wrinkling it he separates our lips again and i lay my head against his chest him holding me close still "i wish we weren't here, but in a way its a gift because i wouldn't have met you" i say softly only he can hear and he squeezes me tighter kissing my neck a couple times softly "i can't wait till we're out here" he says softly "me too" i whisper "well you need to finish this dough and thankfully im here" i say shrugging my shoulders a bit and he smiles "then lets get to work" he says softly and i hop off the table

We separate the dough and work on it slamming our fists into it as hard as we want and laughing after when we would get a little mad we throw the dough into a big metal bowl and put a cloth over it letting it rise as we put it in the fridge they have leaving it prepared to be baked tomorrow i turn to kit and smile softly pulling his face down to kiss his lips again "for right now lets just let our story continue" i say softly and he smiles widely "100% baby i couldnt be happier well i could but you know what i mean" he says softly his hands still on my waist and i let out a laugh making him smile as well

And i 'couldnt be happier' either...

Fucking FINALLYYYYY i finished this after like 3 years bruh omfg anywayyysss i didnt know how to finish it thats why and i didnt wanna make it a smut cs i made a really bad smut of it a while ago sooo yeah but anyways i hope you liiiikkkkeee iiittt *mwah mwah mwah* i love you soooo much im so fucking bored and sad but anyways byyeee my looovvveee🫶

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