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If you are taller or somethin than evan than just skip this cs this is my perspective lmao

Im scrolling on my phone and i see this cute couple and the boy who is taller than the girl picks her up and shows her how it looks to be that tall i smile and my boyfriend looks over at me confused

"What ya lookin at" he says going to look at my phone and he gets up and puts his hand out "come on" he says jerking his head practically saying to come over to him

Now listen evan is a tall mf hes 5'11 and im 5'3 so thats a pretty big difference and i have to look up at him a lot and when i want to give him a kiss or fix his hair or anything i have to reach up kinda high not as high as youd expect but damn that man is tall hes as tall as our damn doors

I get up and grab his hand and he puts me infront of him and wraps his arms around my waist kinda crouching down and picks me up i grab his forearms to steady myself and evan stands all the way up so our heads are at the same height and my feet are off the floor

"There thats what it looks like" i can tell he has a smile on my face and i smile and look around damn whole new perspective "wow" i say "this is what you see everyday" i say looking literally everywhere "yup every day" he says i smile and pat his arm

Thats a thing me and him do whenever i need him to help me and he picks me up or something like that i pat his forearm and he sets me down

He sets me down and i turn around smiling at him i reach up grabbing his face giving him a big sweet kiss "thank you evy" i say and he kisses me again wrapping his arms around my waist more and he pulls back our faces still extremely close "your welcome my love" he says

I smile and lean my head on his shoulder and he has his arms wrapped around me and he puts his head on mine swaying back and forth a little his scent filling my nose and i close my eyes

I wanna stay like this forever...

I have no idea what this is i was bored and this popped into my head because i remembered how tall he was so forgive me for this i love you guys *mwah mwah mwahh* see you later my love

evan and some taissa or ahs imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now