Valentines day (evan peters)

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I walk up to my boyfriends house usually i basically live there but i had to make his present and i didnt wanna chance him seeing it so i made it at my house

I knock on the door bag in hand and the door opens revealing evan i smile and walk closer to him pulling him close to me hugging him tight "happy Valentine's baby" i say and he holds me tighter "happy Valentine's day my love" he says making me blush a bit

He lets go of me and we walk out into his living room and we sit down on the couch and he pours us some wine and the coffee table his decorated with some stuff i decorated with but evan decorated it more romantically while i was gone

I smile and set his bag down and he plays some music and he turns to me and i turn to him sitting on the couch criss cross and he grabs a bag from behind him a Valentine's bag and i smile

"Do you want to open first?" I ask and he nods and i smile handing him his bag and he takes a deep breath smiling playfully before taking the colorful paper out the bag looking into the bag his mouth opens slightly smiling a bit as he pulls candy and some other stuff out and i smile knowingly as he pulls a square shaped thing thats wrapped in the colorful paper that was on top

He looks at me acting like hes worried and i roll my eyes playfully as he unwraps the box and after peeling all of it off he opens the black box and his mouth opens wide as he takes the watch i got him out of the box and he smiles laughing a bit

"Thank you so much my love" he says looking at me before putting the watch on and i smile at him "your welcome baby" i say and he turns to his side a bit grabbing my bag putting it infront of me and i smile putting it into my lap

I take the paper out the bag and i grab chocolate and candy and my favorite wine and i look up at evan "awe i should have gotten u ur favorite wine" i say and he smiles and i turn back to the bag and i grab a box thats not wrapped but its alright i open the box and my mouth drops to the floor

I pull out a beautiful necklace with mine and evans initials and i smile happy tears coming to my eyes and he looks at me a bit worried "are you okay" i nod laughing a bit "here" i say giving him the necklace and i turn around holding my hair up and he puts it around my neck closing the clasp over a loop

I turn back to him and smile big before tackling him onto the couch "i love it so much evan" i say and he smiles "i love you y/n" he says "i love you too evan" i say and kiss him lovingly holding him close to my body before kissing his face all over and he laughs sitting back up me on his lap and i move off getting close to him and we turn to the tv putting on a movie

He pulls me closer to him and puts his arm around me and i lean into him occasionally drinking some of my wine with some strawberries and chocolate

This night could not get any better...

Listen i know its short but bare with me anyways im going to make a smut rn so if u'll excuse me i love u *mwah mwah mwah* see u in a minute

evan and some taissa or ahs imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now