Happy Birthday (evan peters)

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Ive decorated the whole damn house ive been up since 4 am and im ready i have breakfast ready and im so excited man

"Babe?" I hear my boyfriend call out and i smile and run into the room and see him standing up rubbing one of his eyes before i grab his hand dragging him through the house he smiles as he looks around at the balloons and decorations

I finally make it into the kitchen and i grab a confetti popper that was hidden in the cabinet and twist it so it pops confetti all over evan i smile big and he smiles even bigger "Happy Birthday!" I say and he pulls me in close kissing me sweetly "thank you so much my love" he says and i tilt my head shrugging my shoulders a bit

"Its no problem babe" i say and i laugh looking at his hair and he looks confused still smiling before he reaches a hand up and takes some confetti out of his hair and laughs with me "noo its looks goodd" i say grabbing some confetti that was on the table and put it in his hair as he smiles at me his hands on my waist

I grab his hand and turn around and we sit at the table and i grab my phone playing our playlist of songs that remind remind each other of each other and he smiles grabbing my hand and we eat our food laughing with each other and after i rush him to our room and we get dressed

We go to the car and i grab his hand driving "where are we going?" He asks curious with a smile still on his face "you'll see" i say and we keep driving and we arrive to the movies

He smiles grabbing my hand and we go inside paying for our ticket which was a little difficult because evan kept trying to pay and we split it and we got popcorn cause its his favorite and we saw a movie he has been begging to see forever he squeezes my hand and jumps a little excited and i smile

We finish the movie and we head home and its already like 7 pm so i tell him to dress a bit and i drag him to the car and we drive to a club and his friends are there and me and him hug them and we drink some shots not a lot because i didnt want him to pass out cause i still have some stuff planned after

Me and evan are close to each other and i pull away and take out my phone as a 2 girls come out with a cake and a lit up birthday sign and he smiles as he sees the cake and everything and she sets the cake down and they all sing happy birthday

I record the entire reaction and damn was he happy me and him sit next to each other and i cut the cake before putting it in his mouth and i grab a bit more wiping it against his face and he laughs as i laugh and of course i told his friend to record im not letting this memory go

He chews with the frosting still on his face and after a minute of everyone laughing i grab a napkin and help him clean up as his hand is on my thigh and hes facing me after he kisses me and i smile and we pull away and party even more dancing a bit with our friends and i grab the sign waving it in the air jumping up and down and he just laughs and smiles at me making me smile back

After partying for a bit its maybe 12 and we say bye to our friends and head home "thank you for the cake" he says and i smile slightly "no problem babe" i say and we finally make it home and we change into more comfortable clothes

I lead him to our room and i sit him down "okay ill be right back" i say and he smiles "okay" he says and puts his hands on his lap and i run away to the other room and i come out with a wrapped gift "babe you didnt have to" he starts and i shush him and he smiles a bit and i hand him the gift and he excitedly unwraps it

Its a new watch for him and his face lights up and he smiles at me before taking it out of the box putting it on smiling at it and he grabs me pulling me closer to him "come here" he says and pulls me onto his lap "thank you so much baby" he says and lays his hand on my thigh before leaning in and our lips connect in a sweet kiss

His lips tainted with cake and alcohol i smile and he smiles before leaning back and looking back at his watch before looking back at me "i love it, i love you" he says "im glad you like it and i love you more" i say before giving him another kiss and he lays me on the bed pulling me close to him his strong veiny arms wrapped around me making me feel loved and warm

"I couldn't of asked for a better birthday this was the best birthday of my life 100%" he says and i laugh a bit and he laughs too and i close my eyes before falling asleep in my boyfriends arms

Im so lucky to have this man...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR EVAN HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH EVAN MORE THAN YOU WILL EVER KNOW!💓 im so happy that its evans birthday i made cake that said 'evan peters bd!' And im just so happy right now im genuinely overwhelmed with joy i love you a lot and i hope you have a good night cause im going to sleep

evan and some taissa or ahs imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now