Tate langdon comforting u

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*this does have a lot of sh so im sorry but this is what i want to happen to me*

I walk into the restroom and look at myself in the mirror holding myself up with both my hands on the sink i sigh and open up the mirror grabbing a razor blade

I stare at the shiny sharp medal before bringing it to my uncovered wrist with the rest of my healed cuts and i press down into the flesh pulling it across my arm blood oozing out of it and my face turns into pain and pleasure the pain relaxing me

I pick up the bloody blade putting it on a different part of my arm pressing down again staring to pull it down before i get interrupted by my boyfriend or well we arent official but my boyfriend tate "Stop that!" He says and grabs the blade from my hand pulling my arm to his mouth licking the blood

"Gross!" I say as he puts my arm back down "it is gross your mutilating yourself!" He says and i lower my tone "but you do it.." I say looking down before looking back up at the blond boy "not anymore promise me you wont cut yourself again" he says grabbing my hand moving closer to me

"I promise" i say looking into his eyes and i pull him close kissing him on his soft lips and he pulls away and grabs my arms rubbing his thumb gently over the wounds before bringing my arm close to his lips again but this time kissing them gently

I watch him intently while he kisses every cut and scar from beginning to end and he looks at me and i smile grabbing his hand his healed scars and i give each of them quick soft pecks before turning to the boy watching me in a haze and i kiss him gently savoring his taste

I move my head down and put my head into his neck his arms wrapped around my waist and my arms wrapped around his neck and we stay like that just listening to each others breathing before i pull away and grab his hand pulling him to my room and he lays down on my bed

I lay down behind him wrapping my arms around him and he grabs my hands pulling them close to him and i smile kissing his cheek and i lay my head down onto his and we stay like that for a long time falling asleep holding each other and i think im finally happy...

Sorry for all the sh but i want this to happen to me cs i do sh but what can i do also i love u guys a lot and im at my friends house goodnight my loves *mwah mwah mwahhh*

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