Valentine's day (evan smut)

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I walk up to evans house and knock before i wait patiently and the door opens revealing evan i smile and pull him close kissing him softly before walking in "hey baby" i say looking at him "hey my love" he says making me blush a bit

We sit on the couch and evan plays our favorite song there is wine chocolate and music and im happy we sit on the couch and i turn to evan "here" i say and i give evan a bag and he smiles before taking it and he takes some paper out of the bag before taking out chocolate and candy and he pulls out a box and he smiles a bit before opening it and its a watch but it has a little chair that has his favorite color in a stone thats noticable but not too noticable so he can wear it with whatever clothes and it'll match

"Thank you my love" he says and i smile and he leans over giving me a quick kiss putting it on "i love it" he says smiling "here" evan says smiling a bit giving me my valentines bag and i smile before excitedly opening the bag taking some paper out and candy and chocolate and i get to a small envelope and i smile before opening it

'To our future and more i have never loved someone as much as i love you you have the key to my heart and i cant wait till the day i get down on one knee and propose but i havent gotten that far theres still some planning *winky face* but for now heres a promise ring so you know i will be there for you life and death for the rest of my life' the card says and i smile before looking into the envelope

I pull out a ring that has a stone thats my favorite color its small and its so cute i look up at evan smiling big "thank you so much" i say putting the ring on before grabbing his face kissing him lovingly and sweetly i kiss him more and more before i sit on his lap playing with his hair a bit me and him smiling a bit into the kiss

Evan stands up my legs wrapped around his waist and my arms wrapped around his neck before he walks to out bedroom laying me softly on the bed and i separate our kiss looking at the bed seeing rose petals all on the white sheets and i smile more before pulling evan onto me again and i reach for his shirt pulling at it and he helps me take it off

Before me and him just take all of our clothes off and he gets back on top of me before kissing my cheek down to my jaw to my neck making a small moan leave my mouth as my hands play with his hair as he moves down my body kissing my stomach making my back arch a bit before he kisses me where i need him most making a breath leave my mouth harshly

He licks me making me moan a bit gripping the sheets as he eats me out licking me perfectly getting the spot moans and whimpers leave my mouth and into the air as he eats me out more sucking on my bud and the knot in my stomach becomes bigger and tighter before he stops and i whine a bit and he crawls back up to me before grabbing a rubber putting it on quickly

I lift my legs up bending them opening them and he gets back on top of me lining up with me our breath uneven and heavy as he enters me making me grip the blanket tighter my knuckles white before he starts moving in and out of me moans leaving my mouth louder and i breathe out a lot of my moans trying to catch my breath as evan groans and moans

He hits all my right spots making me throw my head back in intense pleasure he kisses my neck making me whimper more as his kisses make me more flustered and the knot in my stomach more intense than last time

I moan louder before moving my hands to dig into evans back causing him to groan more making me more turned on before i release onto him squeezing my eyes shut throwing my head back "Evan" i basically scream out as pleasure takes over my whole body before evan finishes too "Y/n" evan practically grunts as he moves in and out riding our highs together

Before he stops and we try and catch our breath and evan lifts his head up looking at me before kissing me the kiss filled with just straight love making my stomach fill with butterflies i smile into the kiss kissing him more the kiss so gentle

Evan pulls out of me throwing the rubber away before cleaning me and him up and he gets into bed next to me pulling me as close as possible and i smile kissing his neck softly and quickly "happy Valentine's day i love you" evan says making me laugh a bit "happy Valentine's day to you too and i love you a lot" i say my hand on the side of his face him looking down at me love filled in both of our eyes and i lean in kissing him gently again his arm wrapped around my back his finger tips touching my bare side where my bra would be

I smile a bit laying down holding evan close and he holds me closer kissing my head and i close my eyes my hand resting on his bare chest as i drift to sleep in my future husbands arms...

I dont have a valentine and ive been really stressed out lately and today i was really stressed to im listening to love songs and im gonna read a romance book cause i dont have anything better to do anyways i love you so much more than u will know happy Valentine's day my love u can be my valentine *mwah mwah mwah* i love you bye

evan and some taissa or ahs imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now