date night (evan peters smut)

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I put on my best dress that hugs my curves and i spray on some perfume before looking at myself in the mirror and i fix my hair and makeup one last time damn i look good

I walk out and see evan dressed well and hes looking down at his phone and his eyes lift up and he looks my body up and down making me blush "you look beautiful y/n" he says and he walks over to me giving me a quick kiss

Evan looks a little too fine idk if imma be able to control myself around him tonight but its fine ill try my best lets go

We walk out of the house walking to the car and evan opens the door for me. Damn it evan ur making it to hard for me to control myself. He starts driving and puts his hand on my leg. Damn it.

His thumb rubbing against my thigh is making me have to bite my finger as he drives and we finally arrive at the restaurant and we get out and go inside we walk to a table and sit down before a waitress comes over and gets our drinks and walks away evan grabs my hand and i smile at him squeezing his big hand a couple times

He smiles back his perfect set of teeth and i try to cool myself down a bit and the waitress come back with our drinks and me and evan look through the menu and we finally decide after a bit and we order our food and i keep trying to contain myself but everything about evan right now his clothes his hair his face his scent his hands his smile just omg i cant believe he can do this to me without trying

We get our food and me and evan eat a bit talking about whatever and i decide i wanna see if he feels the same right now i put my shoe at the botton of his pants on one legs and i move it up and down basically rubbing against his leg he looks at me knowingly and i pretend i dont know anything and i pretend nothing happening

I shoe starts to get higher and i smile to myself slightly and we finish our food evan realizing what im doing more and evan pulls out his wallet to pay and i say i need to go to the restroom so i do and i try to contain myself but when i close my eyes all i think about is evan and how he looked and his laugh and his voice and his smile and his hands god i want him to touch me so bad

Im in a stall on the wall trying to control myself when i hear someone come into the restroom "y/n?" I hear evan say and i open the stall "evan?" I say and he gets in the stall with me before kissing me and i grab the back of his neck kissing him back playing with his hair "whats up with you huh" evan asks in his seductive voice. God.

"You looked to fine i couldnt control myself and i really need you or some relief anything evan please" i say basically whining he smiles and kisses me more i kiss him back roughly and passionately before i feel his hand go under my short dress to my thigh and i squirm a bit

Evans hand starts to move up and he touches me though my panties making me give out a light moan into the kiss before he grabs the top of my panties and pulls them down a bit and he starts touching my bud making me gasp and squirm as he moves his fingers in a circle motion his large hands all up on me god hes so hot

He moves his finger down my folds before slipping his finger inside me and i grip his forearm digging my nails into him and his jacket as his finger moves in and out and moans leave my mouth that arent to loud because im trying to quiet them

He moves his finger in and out of me more and he smiles at the way i look and how vulnerable i am around him and he finds it adorable and hot my legs start to shake and he keeps moving and i finally moan out his name gripping him tighter as i finish on his hand he bites his lip smiling a bit and takes his hand out of my underwear before sucking off his finger

"Come on ill give you more at home dont worry" he says as i try to catch my breath and he walks out and i start to gather myself

God why does he have to be so hot...

I had a dream and this inspired it basically so yeah i just wanted to make this i feel like it kinda sucks just a bit but its the weekend and im so happy man anyways i love you *mwah mwah mwah* bye bye

evan and some taissa or ahs imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now