Scar Kisses

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This has SH so uh yeah

I used to SH a while ago before i met evan and then i met evan and he took away all of my problems but recently i SH'd a bit ago and evan doesnt know and i just put a lot of my bracelets on

I sit in the kitchen on my phone when evan walks in and he comes over to me and he gives me a sweet kiss making butterflies fill my stomach and he sits next to me grabbing my hand the one with the bracelets and what's under it he looks at our hands rubbing my hand softly with his thumb before he pauses

He reaches for my bracelets with his other hand lifting some of them up revealing red marks and i quickly pull my hand away "y/n?" Evan says softly and i avoid him "y/n what is that baby?" He asks softly and i get off the chair before i run into mine and evans bedroom locking the door how could i be so fucking stupid

I hear a knock on the door "baby" i hear him say before the door handle jiggles "baby open the door" he says softly and i sigh sitting there for a moment before i decide to finally open the door

I open it revealing a concerned evan on the other side of the door he rushes over to me engulfing me into a tight hug kissing my head softly a couple times "i thought you stopped" he says softly and i hold onto him tighter "i did but things became to much and i couldnt stop myself" i say softly and he holds me tighter "can i see them?" He asks and i nod pulling away from him

I sit on the bed him next to me and i extend my arm out to him he grabs my arm gently and puts it on his thigh and he starts taking off the bracelets putting them next to him revealing more and more scars making me feel guilty he runs his thumb gently over the scars admiring them before he brings my arm up to his face and he kisses my scars softly making my eyes go a bit wide

No one has ever done anything this sweet for me his soft lips kissing each one of them making me want to jump on him and cover his face with kisses and tell him how much i love him he looks back at me and grabs my face "its okay" he coos before he kisses my nose softly and stands up holding my hand and we walk to the restroom

He turns on the sink and puts some water in his hand before pouring the water slowly onto the scars making sure to not hurt me he grabs a towel and dries them carefully putting pressure with his hand before he kisses them softly again "i love you so much dont do it anymore and if you want to please tell me" he says and i nod before i drag him to our room and push him onto the bed i crawl on top of him

I kiss his nose and his cheeks and his forehead and his jawline and his lips softly before i stop and kiss his lips multiple times before i pull away "i love you so much evan no one has ever done that for me" i say and he cups my cheek with his big hand before he pulls me in and kisses my lips softly and we pull away "wanna get ice cream?" He says and i smile and nod "yeah" i say "lets go" he says sitting up and we end up getting ice cream and chilling for the rest of the day

How could i be so lucky?....

If you read my last imagine then u would know the dream i had about evan last night and i literally wanted to cry bro like ive never had a dream that like loving or concerning for me and i love him so much but i love you a lot *mwah mwah mwah* bye my love

evan and some taissa or ahs imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now