Period (evan) (i fuckin hate the title but its wtv)

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I stir out of my sleep looking over to see a sleeping evan when u feel something...weird? I look down and see i literally bled through my fucking pants and onto the bed (kms)

My eyes go wide i gasp softly and i pull the blanket off me not knowing what to do me and evan have been together a couple months now and nothing like this has happened before so im panicking a lot

I look over and see evan still sleeping i whimper as i slowly get off the bed and shuffle to my little clothes drawer (i hate that fucking shuffle bro) as im about to grab some stuff panic still running through my veins my hormones making tears fill my eyes i hear shuffling behind me and i quickly turn around and see evan starting to wake up. No please not right now

He opens his eyes confusion taking over his face as he sees tears in my eyes "y/n? Whats wrong?" He asks and i pull his baggy shirt past my butt as much as it can go my pants still stained the shirt covering it i grab another pair of pants and sniffle as i put it over my arm so i can go to walk to the restroom when he quickly stands up and comes over to me omg noooo

"Y/n what happened" he asks a worried look on his face "i- i just" i say starting to sob a bit before i just point at the bed and he looks over walking closer moving the blanket more seeing the red stain and a sigh of relief comes out of his mouth and he turns back to me "baby this is nothing its fine" he says and more tears fall down my face as i look down in embarrassment and honestly shame?

He walks closer to me again putting his hands on my shoulders "babe its fine, i can wash the sheets its okay" he says and tears just keep falling down my face and he pulls me close to him gently guiding my head to lay on his chest and he engulfs me into a hug swaying me side to side a bit "its not a big deal, okay?" He whispers and i nod softly sniffling still "how about you go get cleaned up and I'll clean the sheets and put on a different set of sheets i have?" He asks and i nod softly and we pull away

He grabs my face with his big hands wiping the rest of my tears off my face and i shuffle to the restroom and i clean up washing my body in the shower quickly and i change my pants and all that i walk back out and put my dirty clothes into the hamper and i turn to see a fresh set of bed sheets on the bed and evan sitting laying back on the bed his back against the headboard watching the tv

He looks over at me and i walk over to him getting under the blanket laying my head on his chest and i grip his shirt he reaches up and plays with my hair softly "do you need anything? Like any snacks or products? I can run to the store really quick" he offers and i shrug "i dont wanna be a burden i could go later" i say "what? No what do you want or need ill go right now" he says starting to take the blanket off himself "well uh i need uh pads (or whatever tf u use) and can you get me my favorite snacks? Oh and some midol" i say and he nods "okay send me a picture of the products you want me to get ill be right back" he says standing up

He leans down pressing a kiss to my head and he walks out the room grabbing the keys and he leaves the apartment and i get up taking a picture of the products and i send it to him and i go to lay back down in bed grabbing the remote putting on mine and evans favorite show and i snuggle under the covers waiting for him to get back

After about 30 minutes he finally comes back and i hear him set the keys down and start walking to technically our room and he sets the bags down onto the bed and i sit up looking at him dig through the bags and he pulls out a box showing me it "thats the right thing right? If it isn't ill run back dow-" he starts "its the right one evan" i say smiling at him and he smiles back before digging into the bag again

"Heres your midol and some snacks and even your favorite drink" he says taking all of it out and laying it on the bed i smile tears coming to my eyes again damn these hormones "y/n? You okay?" He says and i nod softly looking at all the stuff starting to get off the bed wiping my tears "thank you so much evan i dont deserve you" i say and i wrap my arms around his neck nuzzling my head into the crook of his neck and he wraps his arms around my waist "awe baby" he coos and after a while we pull away and i laugh wiping away the rest of my tears "damn these hormones" i say and he laughs as well i get back into the bed and he does as well i take the midol and open up my snacks start eating them while me and evan watch the show

He puts his arm around my shoulders and i lay my head against his shoulder kinda and we watch the show together just enjoying each others company and warmth and feel my mood just boosted

Ive never ever been happier with someone i love so much...

Im literally dieing i stayed up all night only to get my period and then i was being productive and now my mind is foggy from sleep and i need to sleep now but i wanted to make this cs idk why not lmao anyways i love you like so much *mwah mwah mwah* bye bye my love im goin to sleep but not till after i hit my nic😱 why do i sound like a nic addict?

evan and some taissa or ahs imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now