My Sweet Baby Boy

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The way he looks in this is the way he looks at us when hes in bed sooo🤭

I put my shirt on the hanger hanging it in my closet before i hear banging thats weird no ones inside the house and shouldn't be here until very late and its already really late anyways

The banging continues making me more confused as i start to walk downstairs a little concerned getting ready incase i need to use my powers or something i stand a little far from the door and use my powers to unlock it swinging it open ready to push back the person but its just a familiar head of hair i see

Then its the eyes, the clothes, the height and i sigh of relief speed walking to the front door "ky you scared me" i say gently grabbing his wrist and guiding him inside "where have you been? I thought you were with misty" my hand reaches up to grab his chin looking at his face as he just looks at me not minding what im doing he mumbles something and i sigh not understanding its hard when the guy you have a crush on for the first time in forever literally died got resurrected then all this other stuff im always taking care of him

I dont know why but kyle has a connection to me he never leaves me alone and if he had a choice he would just be with me 24/7 which he practically is since no one else wants to take care of a sweet boy who is the cutest when you show him love but ive taken care of kyle a lot since he died zoe started slacking and i ended up taking over but its either me or zoe watching him

"You cant be running the streets like that ky, someone will see you especially if you have your shirt too open" i say sternly my hands going to do a extra button on his shirt covering some scars that were there as he looks down and just looks at me a small annoyed look on his face

"Dont look at me like that, you're the one whos runnin all around town" i say as i grab his hand with one of my hands "c'mon you know where to go" i say gesturing to the stairs and he nods starting to walk up the stairs and to the room me and him stay in when he comes over its basically my room but he just shares with me since i watch him

"You need a bath" i say looking over at him his messy hair and his dirty skin i guess its hard since misty does live practically in a swamp how did he even get out of there and make it here? I mean he has ran away to Misty's house from here...

He groans and i click my tongue "tsk tsk tsk, dont start ky you know you need to be clean and you can lay down and go to bed and be comfortable huh? How does that sound? You love it so much huh baby boy?" His eyes light up a bit at the nickname and he looks down a bit nodding softly i smile a bit and continue to walk to the restroom and i turn back a bit

"Bath or shower honey?" I ask looking back at the boy sitting on the bed and he shrugs a bit "b-bat-th" he stutters out and i smile glad to see our practice flashcards are actually working i start the bath and walk back to Kyle "im proud of you, you're doing such a good job with your words ky" i praise and he looks up at me a hint of proudness in his look

Before i know it the bath is full and i turn the water off before turning back to kyle "lets take these off, yeah?" I say motioning to his clothes and he nods a bit which i start to unbutton his shirt and i finally get it undone and slide it off his shoulders i reach down undoing his pants and leaning down to slide the fabric down his legs and to his ankles

Finally i slide his underwear down and put his clothes in a pile on the floor before putting my hand out and smiling warmly at him "you ready to get in?" I ask and he nods taking my hand in his and he puts both feet into the tub and lowers into the water

I grab the loofah next to me and put some soap on it "you had quite the adventure didnt you?" I tease and he stays silent i grab a plastic cup i have and scoop some water up and pouring it into his hair drenching his curls he closes his eyes as the water falls down and goes down his back to the water again he hums softly as i start to wash his hair

My fingers scrub his hair and scalp thoroughly before putting water in his hair washing the soap out i start to drain the water a bit starting to wash his body i scrub his back and his front and everything before starting to rinse him off with water from the faucet i turn the water off and stand up stretching my back before grabbing a towel from the towel rack and holding it while holding my arms out "c'mon you know what to do" i say softly and he kinda waddles his way to me and i wrap him up in the towel (hes so cute)

He shivers a bit and i push the towel to cover more of him and smile softly at him "there we go" i say as he stands there for a moment and i grab his clothes i have and i put some sweatpants on him and a shirt i stand up and look at him before smiling "you look cute.." i say softly and i see him look at me with curiosity

He sits on the bed and i run my fingers through his hair "you tired?" I ask and he nods a bit and i help him lay down he lays down his fluffy hair spread out against the pillow and he looks at me his eyes soft and almost pleading for something?

"I care about you a lot ky, and im so proud of you after today" i say still playing with his hair a bit almost hypnotized by his gaze i stare into his eyes he stares back his gaze soft and luring "huh? What else do you need?" I ask him softly and he doesnt say anything his hands reach up and gently grab my face my eyes widen a bit before he pulls me in and kisses me

He pulls away and im looking in disbelief at Kyle "w-what was that for?" I ask and he shrugs a bit smiling i lean down and press a soft kiss to his cheek and head he lifts his mouth up to match mine wanting another kiss i finally let go and lean down kissing his soft lips my hand on his face my thumb rubbing his cheek gently

I pull away and smile "get some sleep ky" i say and walk over to the other bed butterflies in my stomach why the fuck did that happen oh my god what the hell was i thinking man?! Let me just try and get some damn sleep

I feel a shift behind me and i open my eyes turning around slowly and carefully to see kyle i furrow my eyebrows in confusion looking up at him "ky what are you doing baby boy?" I ask and he just grabs my waist pulling me closer to him as he mumbles nothings "you cant sleep?" I ask and he shakes his head starting to try and talk "i-i w-wa-ant.." he stumbles and a look of confusion takes over my face "what was that ky?" I ask and he takes a deep breath "i- w-want t-to-o b-be c-close" he says and i smile "you wanna be close to me?" I ask and his eyes light up and he nods

"Then ill let you sleep in here tonight" i say and he nods scooting closer laying his head on my chest as he wraps his arms around me i blush a bit and play with his hair gently "you're such a pretty boy y'know that?" I praise and i feel him nuzzle against me "and you're so smart im so proud of you, you're learning so fast sweetheart" i praise again and he looks up at me

He takes a deep breath "i- l..lo-ove y-you" he says and i smile blushing even more "i love you too sweet boy" i say and he smiles a bit laying his head down again and squeezes me tighter and closer to him almost protectively i play with his hair till he falls asleep and decide to go to sleep as well

Ive never been so happy to see someone or be this close to someone before...

Soooo how do we think abt this chapter? I like it a lot actually but im sickkkk im always sick but just bc im sick doesnt mean i wont smoke za so imma be faded asf and uh i love you so much i really do and i hope you have a good day baby🫶

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