My Boy Bestfriend

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Im chilling with my boy bestfriend Evan who ive always had a crush on but i tried to distract myself by getting a bf and we are in my room im talking with evan and we laugh together and i hear my phone ring

I answer it and its my bf "oh hey babe whats up" i see evan roll his eyes as he looks away from me. Weird. "I just wanted to call and we need to have a talk" i look confused "uhm whatsup" i say reaching over to evans hand playing with a bracelet me and him made so we could match and he leaves his hand out so i can play with it

"Ive been thinking and i dont want to be with you i was with you because i felt bad and the reason ive never had time for you was because i met someone else" i look up looking at the wall blank surprised expression "okay" i say flatly and he hangs up the call

"You okay?" Evan says looking at me i look at him and tears sting my eyes "hey hey hey its okay its okay baby" he says using his nickname he has for me before he goes over to me and pulls me close to him holding me and i press my head against his chest and i let out sobs

"He b-broke up with me" i say sobbing against his shirt gripping it as he rubs his hand up and down my back "its okay your okay" he whispers kissing my head i sit up and move to sit on his lap facing him and i wrap my arms around his neck and pull him to me and nuzzle my face to his neck sobbing

He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me even closer to him rubbing my back again comforting me hes the only person who can calm me down and my breath catches up and im breathing normal again only a couple shuddering breaths leave a couple times

"Why do you get with guys that dont love you baby" he says into my ear i sit back still on his lap "w-what do you mean" i say looking confused at him "you get with guys that treat you like shit when im right here waiting for you to notice me" i smile and he looks at me confused

"The only reason i got with him was to distract me from my feelings for you" i say and grab his face with both hands and we lean in and kiss each other sweetly his lips are softer than ive even imagined their plump against mine as our mouths move slowly our eyes closed his arms still wrapped around me

I pull back "i love you evan more than you would ever know" i say looking at him almost in a hypnotic state from his beautiful eyes "i love you too y/n" he says pulling me close to him kissing me again its sweet and soft and gentle as we take in each others taste and smell and feel

He pulls away "come on baby" he says and i get off his lap already missing the feeling and we lay down blankets on us as we hold each other going to sleep finally he know how i feel and i know how he feels

He looks at me and i look back at him before he kisses my nose softly making me smile and i grab his face kissing him sweetly and softly savoring every second before he turns and i lay my head on his chest and we go to sleep happy knowing we love each other...

Im really tired goodnight omg my eyes are closing every second i love you guys *mwah mwah mwah* goodnight kisses goodnight my love

evan and some taissa or ahs imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now