What the hell (c.d)

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I walk past the boy ive known since 4th grade ive had a crush on him for years but he doesnt know that of course i would actually kill myself if he ever found out cause we are 'enemies'

"Oh hey didnt you used to be cooper day" i say as i turn around facing the boy "oh didnt you used to be in rehab" he says i scoff a snarky non genuine smile on my face "soo is this your next 'subversive' article" i say doing air quotations with my fingers

"Are you suggesting that those lame ass quote signs that my articles are not subversive" he says squinting his eyes slightly fixing his back pack strap "oh sure they are yeah in a very, very limp bizkit kind of way" i say sarcastically "woah thats totally crossing the line lady" cooper says squinting his eyes once more

"Awe truth hurts, you do remember truth right?" I say rolling my eyes starting to walk up the steps "y/n/n" cooper starts saying a nickname people used to call me making my knees weak "y/n" he says and i stop walking down the stairs facing him again

He looks up at me "there you are" he says "and here i am would you like to say something, cooper?" I say trying to sound as annoyed as i usually do even when i want to be around him forever "cmon what do you expect me to do" he asks his eyes pleading "tear it up" i say eyeing the paper i know cooper sisters friend is using cooper for making me wanna claw her damn face i could treat him so much better

"What" cooper asks "save your soul, cooper tear it up" i say before leaving a clueless cooper on the stairs shes using him and it makes me wanna go crazy who the fuck does she think she is using cooper for her damn school paper

I eventually go downstairs trying to get into my locker only for it to be fuckin jammed i look around for a second and my eyes lay on cooper "hey cooper not to be a fart in damsel or anything but could you, could you help me please" i say sighing and cooper starts walking over to me

"Okay" cooper says my eye brows furrow together as i look at him confused as he rips the paper getting closer "dude?" I say before cooper puts his lips on mine i wont deny it okay hes a good kisser and i really wanted to kiss him but we are supposed to hate each other so cooper im so sorry for this

I knee him in the balls looking at him as he leans over a groan leaves his lips "i asked you to help me with my locker not stick your tongue down my esophagus jackass" i say clearly shocked rethinking my choices as i resist the urge to beg for coopers forgiveness

I sigh and walk away leaving cooper crouched down looking up at me sad damn it im definitely gonna regret that later hes not gonna get off my mind

I go home changing before laying in my bed trying to convince myself that none of the stuff that happened at school happened i run my hand down my face damn it i shouldve just never asked him but the kiss was nice but i shouldnt of kneed him in his damn balls what the fuck am i even doing anymore

I fall asleep for a couple hours before my alarm goes off making me groan fucking 9 am on a saturday i sit up trying to keep my eyes open taking a deep breath before standing up groaning "shit" i say under my breath before i remember what happened yesterday making me internally scream wanting to claw my hair out

I get dressed brushing my hair and teeth and doing everything i need to do and walk out my room my parents get in the car and i hop in and we drive around arguing a bit about where we should eat before we have to go to a game for my cousin

We finally get a place and eat breakfast before its time for the soccer game my cousin sitting on a bench infront of me while i braid her hair the braids not staying stressing me out a little

I see a guy walk past me and i recognize those beautiful curls and that body ive had a crush on forever "cooper?" I say and cooper turns around hes wearing a black and gray shirt with a gray sweater with gray pants with a chain on his pants looking more fine than usual as i try to control my thoughts taking a mental screenshot

evan and some taissa or ahs imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now