Head Rubs (kyle spencer after death)

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I walk into the coven excited to see kyle now kyles dead no like actually he died and got resurrected after madison flipped his bus and i was in love with him so madison and zoe helped me bring him back

I finished some errands and stuff and I'm just bringing the groceries in "kyle my love?" I yell but no response i set the bags down on the counter starting to put the items away "kyle?" I yell again and theres no answer weird he usually runs up to me and like literally crushes me with trying to hug me and play with my hair and trying to give me a kiss but thats just what i love about him

I put the items away and walk out of the kitchen to the hall and up the stairs down another hall where the rooms are "baby?" I ask into the air before i turn to my room grabbing the handle and opening the door the lights dim only the lamps on "kyle?" I say again when i hear the sniffles i open the door more and see kyle on mine and his bed his head buried in his hands as sobs break through i close the door before starting to walk over to kyle

I stand infront of him before i put my hands on his shoulders making him jump a bit i knew that he knew i was here but i guess he didnt know how close i was my hands glide up to his neck kind of his face as i grab his face in my hands and make him look up at me my thumbs wiping his tears as sobs leave his pretty plump lips from crying

A look of sympathy fills my face "oh baby whats wrong" i ask and he sobs louder before hugging my waist burying his face into my stomach kinda my chest "oh its okay" i coo softly as i let him sob and cry into me my hand reaches up to glide my fingertips through his soft rich hair pushing some hair back as it was out of place and behind his ear just trying to calm him down and let himself get his feelings out

My fingers run through his hair rubbing his scalp softly as i hear him starting to breathe normally and no cries leave his mouth "whats wrong my love" i whisper softly almost inaudible and he sniffles still holding me close as i hold his head softly more into me my fingers still running through his hair as well "i just got really stressed a-and i realized you were at the store and i just stayed in here cause i was scared i was gonna snap and h-hurt someone" he says a soft sob leaving his mouth again making me hold him tighter "its okay, its okay" i coo as he calms down again way quicker like 30 seconds max

I lift up his head in my hands to look up at me "im here its okay? Right?" I ask softly and he nods looking deeply lovingly and comfortingly into my eyes making me smile a bit i lean down and kiss his nose softly before kissing his head a couple times softly i look back at him and wipe left over tears on his face and he smiles a bit "theres that handsome smile" i say teasingly making him smile more as i laugh a bit teasing him like crazy

"You gonna be okay" i ask as he holds my waist his chin rested against my stomach or chest as he looks up at me and he nods softly "yeah?" I ask admiring him as he admires me and my hands still go through his hair making him close his eyes almost falling asleep in my comfort "ah nope, lets get some food before you end up falling asleep its too early to fall asleep and too late to take a nap" i say softly and he opens his sleepy eyes before nodding "you want to stay in here for a moment or go and get some food" i ask softly again

"Lets sit there for a minute can we?" He asks and i smile nodding as he buried his face more into me closing his eyes for a moment as we sit there in each other presence "kyle?" I whisper "mhm" he says sleepily "come one lets get food its almost a hour and a half till ill let you go to bed" i say and he whines making me smile grabbing his hand and starting to separate each other which he whines and groans protesting against it but we ended up making it downstairs

I make some food for the both of us and we sit at the table eating together i squeeze his hand occasionally him squeezing back sometimes putting his other hand on top of mine so my hand is between his hands tightly i put out plates into the sink and turn to kyle "you ready to go to bed?" I ask and he nods "okay come on you're lucky you dont have to take a bath today" i say smiling as we walk up the stairs and to my room

We change into different clothes and i get into the bed kyle going on the other side getting in next to me he wraps his arms around me and lays his head on my chest my hands play with his hair softly as i feel him relax deeply a couple snores every once in a while i close my eyes kyles weight like a comfy weighted blanket

Oh how much i love him...

Yoooo tbh im high asf i was writing this earlier and then i just went on tumblr but anyways yeahhhhhh i love you so much u have my heart forever fr *mwah mwah mwah byee my lovee

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