New To The City Of Angels

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I set down the last bag of stuff in my new apartment i decided i wanted to be an actress and whats better to be an actress then to go to the city if angels Los Angeles

Now i know nothing about Los Angeles okay i only came here once a couple years ago when American Horror Story released and i saw the Murder House but even then i didnt know the roads or anything in Los Angeles

I decide im going to walk around hollywood and santa Monica i walk out of my apartment down the stairs and i hop into my car im so glad im going before rush hour i drive to downtown LA i find a place to park and start walking

I read that the hotel from ahs or the outside of it is literally down the street where i am so i put it in my navigation and start walking after a couple minutes i make it i almost walked past it ah 'Hotel Cortez' if only it still said that i would definitely let james kill me

I smile taking pictures stepping back before i bump into a muscular person "oh shit im so sorry" i say before i look up at the person there is no way in fucking hell its my all time crush Evan fucking Peters

"Oh no its okay" he says shrugging "y-you're evan peters" i say in shock and he shugs again "yeah" he says smiling a bit making my knees buckle "omg im trying not to freak out also because you're a normal person but i really love you and you actually helped me decide i wanted to be an actress thats why i moved out here" i say before i realize im talkin a shit ton "sorry uh i just love you a lot" i say and he smiles wide "dont worry about it" he says "infact i find it kinda cute" he says making my face turn red

"So what are you doing out?" I ask politely "well im just lookin around im surprised no paparazzi is chasing me" he says making me smile "what about you hm?" He asks and i shrug my shoulders "well i came to LA a couple years ago to see the Murder House because ahs had just come out and i was hooked and i have no idea about LA none at all i dont know the streets nothing" i say before sighing

"And because i want to be an actress" i add after a minute and he nods "well how about i show you the ropes? Also if paparazzi do get to us and post pictures of us and say we are dating i am so sorry-" he starts and i cut him off "i would love that" i say laughing a bit making him laugh as well

A couple days later we ended up taking my car back to my apartment and taking his car to drive around we went to Santa Monica and the beach and Hollywood and The Walk Of Fame at the walk of fame for some reason there was a lot of people and some of them recognized evan and he said hellos and all that but i have severe social anxiety and he looks over at me and grabs my hand squeezing it reassuringly

I blush and hold his hand tighter as he walks us through the group of people after everyone passes he turns to me "you okay?" He asks and i nod he pulls me closer to him and i cling into his arm before we keep walking

After us walking we go to the beach i put on some shorts and messed up shoes and i start walking into the water squealing at the coldness as it get closer up my legs evan comes in going behind me before picking me up making me scream and laugh before he sets me down i turn to evan and grab his hand dragging him with me as i walk more into the cold water

The coldness hits my thighs making me groan and squeal a bit shivering at the cold feeling "its so cold" i say walking closer to evan before i hold onto him "come on lets go to the car" he says and i nod we get out the water dripping down my legs i see evan look me up and down but i dont think anything of it

We go to his car and he grabs a towel wrapping it around my waist as i sit in the back he lays his hands on my thighs before moving them up and down to try and create friction to warm up my legs i smile slightly and he lets go i walk over to the front of the car sitting on the passenger seat wrapping the towel around me again and he puts the heater on

"Thank you" i say to the man whos driving next to me before i kiss his cheek softly and he smiles looking at me before driving to my apartment again he pulls up to my place and i turn to him grabbing my phone "do you maybe-uhm wanna stay the night? Its fine if you dont like totally like its really no bother you know like i really dont car-" i ramble before i get cut off "yeah sure" he says and i nod "okay" i say softly before we walk out up the stairs and i unlock my door

"Its not a lot since i just moved in but uh yeah" i say i already decorated a bit and it doesn't look bad so "oh no its cute" he says and i smile i go to my room grabbing some big sweats i have and give them to evan "my friend bought a really big size on accident and i took them because i like big sweatpants but im pretty sure they will fit you" i say and he nods i show him the restroom and he changes while i change in my room

I go to the couch and sit down and he walks out before coming to sit next to me and i scoot close "wanna watch a movie?" I ask and he smiles a bit "yeah"

After a while into the movie my eyes start closing and my head keeps falling and my head falls onto evans shoulder and he turns to me "you tired?" He asks and i hum "mm no im fine" i say opening my eyes making him laugh a bit "come on" he says smiling wide before he picks me up "holy shit ur strong" i say and he smiles more before taking me to my room laying me on the bed pulling the blanket over me

He goes to walk out "evan" i whine a bit "stay with me" i breathe out "okay" i hear him say accepting before he walks over to the bed laying down pulling me close to him his warm body warming me up as i turn to nuzzle my face into his chest my legs wrapping with his as my hand grabs his holding it tight and right when im about to fall into a deep sleep i hear him say something "i love you" he says and i fade off into sleep he thinks i didnt hear it

But i love him too...

Im in Las Angeles right now and i saw the Murder House and the Hotel i like started crying omg im so happy i hope i see taissa or evan😉

evan and some taissa or ahs imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now