Clingy (zoe and kyle poly)

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I walk through the halls of the coven house i want to see kyle or zoe i dont know why but i feel really clingy right now and i miss them i walk downstairs to the kitchen where i see zoe i walk over to her and wrap my arms around her stopping her in her tracks "hey" she says softly as i nuzzle my head into the crook of her neck from behind

Kyle walks into the kitchen and gets over to us before he wraps his arms around zoe as well i guess hes in a clingy mood too "y/n kyle" zoe says "yeah" i ask softly almost inaudible "hm" kyle mumbles "i need to study this can you guys wait for me upstairs ill be up there in a hour or so" she says and me and kyle let out a whine before i let go and grab kyles hand and he follows me upstairs

We get to my room and i turn to kyle and wrap my arms around him which he accepts quickly eagerly pulling me against him nuzzling his head into the crook of my neck "you okay?" Kyle asks softly and i nod "i don't know why im being so clingy today i just wanna be around you and zoe and kiss you guys and hug you and everything" i say "i know what you mean" he says since he literally is a clingy god since he got resurrected (i dont mind)

We pull away and end up moving to the bed i lay down kyle getting in turning to me and he lets me wrap my arms around his torso and i lay my head on his chest breathing contently and deeply just loving the love and affection as he wraps his big arm around me tightly i close my eyes enjoying the contact

We stay there enjoying each others company since both of us are clingy today his warm body against mine holding me tightly and securely after about an hour i hear the door handle creak and me and kyle look at the door only moving our eyes in the direction when familiar hair is visible its zoe she peeks in and smiles a bit kyle lifts his arm that isnt around me laying on his stomach and she walks over to us and he wraps his arm around her as well

She lays her head kind of on his shoudler her hand reaches up to meet my face as she cups my cheek softly and my eyes meet hers i smile slightly and lean in across kyles chest and leave soft kisses against her lips which she returns kissing back i pull away and kyles arm lifts up to my chin making me look up at him and i lay soft kisses against his lips which he accepts after me and him pull away him and zoe kiss softly and i lay my head back down zoe doing the same my head resting against kyles firm but soft chest

"Im sorry i made you guys leave me alone it was a little rude you guys just wanted for all of us to hold each other" she says softly and i smile slightly again "its okay baby we're not mad at all it wasnt even rude" i say my hand reaching up to move her hair behind her ear she flushes a bit smiling slightly looking at me "yeah we're just happy you're with us" kyle says and zoe nuzzles her head more against him my arm lays across kyles stomach going to rest holding zoes waist as well, also kind of on top of kyles hand thats on her waist us just all holding each other not wanting this moment to end ever until the end of time

I see kyle closing his eyes tiredly and i grab the blanket and pull it up over all 3 of us and put my hand back on zoes waist and on kyles hand kyle breathes deeply as he starts to relax me and zoe starting too as well the warmth and comfort just making us want to close our eyes and fall asleep which is basically what we do

I watch as zoes eyes flutter closed and she breathes deeply and calmly as well the sight of both of them calm and collected under the comfort of one another making my heart do flips i nuzzle my head against kyles chest a bit getting more comfortable as i listen to his heartbeat calming more and more down "i love you guys" i say as a whisper almost to myself "i love you too" zoe says softly and lowly like me almost lazily "i love you too" kyle says the same way me and zoe said it tiredness lacing his voice as well

Zoe and kyles comfort starts to take affect on me as my eye lids start to get more and more heavy occasionally almost closing for good so i decide to close my eyes letting my body completly melt in the warmth almost like im in a car in the dead of winter and the heater warms my desperately cold body i think of kyle and zoe oh how much i love them i couldnt of asked to be in anyone elses arms i start to finally drift off to sleep happy that i was a little clingy today

I love them so much...

I love this so much this is so cute omfg anyways when is it my turn? So basically i took goli gummies is it but like the relaxing ones and idk if they worked or if im just naturally tired but im boutta fall into such a deep sleep imma be like y/n with zoe and kyle lmao anyways i love you *mwah mwah mwah* ill talk to you later my love goodnight

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