Cant Move Fast?! (peter maximoff)

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I walk down the stairs to the basement of my boyfriends moms house to where he usually is i mean it is his room i see him on the bed looking weird i walk over to him and sit down on the bed peter looking up at me almost a look of. Pain?

"Woah peter you okay?" I ask worried "ive just never seen you like this you're usually happy and running around and fast what's wrong baby?" I ask my hand finally reaching up to glide through his silver hair moving it out of his face a bit when i feel a wave of heat hit my hand i lay my palm flat against his forehead and yup he has a fever

"You're burning up peter" i say and his face scrunches up almost angrily and disappointed "i feel just really sick i dont know my stomach hurts my head hurts i dont feel good I just god i wish i wasnt sick" he says and i look at him sympathetically before standing up grabbing the small trashcan with a bag inside of it thats in peters room and i put it next to peter on the floor in case he throws up or something and i go over to the small fridge thats there too and grab a ice pack and grab a towel wrapping it around the ice pack and i walk over to peter putting the ice pack on the night stand next to his bed

I lay down his pillows and he lays down onto them quickly by accident and he whines in pain moving to hover over the trash can and i move his hair a bit giving him a moment before he finally grabs the trashcan and starts to throw up into it (poor baby😕) (im sorry if you have emetophobia thats what its called right or wtv where ur scared of throw up but i would do this for peter)

I rub his hot back soothingly "let it all out baby" i say as he throws up more making me feel bad and empathy for him after a moment and him no longer throwing up just making sure he doesnt again as he breathes heavily trying to take deep breaths and i let go of his hair for a moment and stand up rushing to grab some paper towels or something so he can wipe his nose and mouth and stuff

He lays back onto the pillows taking deep kinda heavy breaths i grab some water and some pills off the night stand and pour 2 into my hand and give them to peter which he pops into his mouth and i guide a glass of water to his lips which he drinks greatfully and goes to lay back down which i grab the back of his head gently laying his head down back onto the pillows

I move his hair off his forehead gently and grab the ice pack putting it on his head him feeling a little more cool and he lets out a soft sigh of relief making me smile a bit "you cant move fast peter if you do you'll make yourself more sick" i say softly my hand on his cheek my thumb softly rubbing his cheek as well as he looks up at me sickly "what? Cant Move Fast?!" He says loud and regrets it the pressure from yelling making his head hurt more and i put my hand on his chest gently "take it easy handsome, yes dont move fast you're only in bed unless you have to use the restroom or something and when you go to lay back down ill be here cs i dont trust you to lay down slow" i say and he nods softly knowing im right

"But its hard y/n, thats literally my mutation i move fast its how i think its how i talk its how i move" he says and i look at him understandingly "i know but would you rather throw up and be sick because your being fast or not be sick because your getting rest?" I ask "be fast" he says "peter" i say intimidatingly "fine okay i would rather be getting rest" he says and he crosses his arms pouting making me smile at the silver headed boy infront of me

"God you're such a cutie" i say as i lean down and leave a soft kiss against his temple which the ice pack isnt covering a little and i sit back straight up looking at peter whos looking at me lovingly and i cant help but smile "imma get you some soft food okay?" I ask and he nods softly careful not to hurt his head as he watches me walk up the steps and to the kitchen to make him some food

After some cooking and cleaning i finally got the food done i even got the kitchen more clean which is good cause magda peters mom has some tough times and im always happy to help her out i grab a tray with food and carefully walk down the steps and see peter lift his head up and he looks at me almost like relief or his eyes maybe lit up? Hm.

"You okay?" I ask softly and he nods and i gently place the tray in his lap which he uses his hands to steady it and he takes some bites of the food happy to get food back into his system and after a bit he finishes his food without his abilities and i take the tray back and go upstairs putting the dishes in the sink and i walk back downstairs to peter i sit down on the bed grabbing his wrist softly just to touch his skin a bit since i cant really kiss him and stuff "im sorry you have to take care of me" he says and i laugh softly "what?" Peter asks "i enjoy taking care of the only person i truly love wouldnt you too?" I ask squinting my eyes at him "of course" he says a smile spreading on his face finally, making me happy

"What are you planning on doing?" Peter asks after a moment of silence "probably just wash dishes and clean the house a bit before your mom gets back from work" i say and he nods softly "you need anything else?" I ask and he shakes his head and i start to stand up to go upstairs when peter grabs my wrist gently but firmly and i turn looking at him "can you not leave please? I dont wanna be alone i just want you here" he says and my gaze softens i knew something was wrong "lay with me please?" He asks using his puppy eyes that always make my knees buckle and i cave

"Fine" i say as i get into the bed next to peter letting the blanket fall on top of me and i turn to look at peter which he puts his arms out invitingly and i smile rolling my eyes playfully before i wrap my arms around his waist and cuddle up to his chest and he holds me there

"You're gonna get me sick mister" i say and i feel and hear him chuckle a bit "well at least ill be able to take care of you" he says a smile spreading widely on my face and i look up at him love filled in my eyes and his as well and i kiss his temple softly again before closing my eyes letting myself relax into peter

As i drift off to sleep his cooling down but still pretty hot body against mine but thats fine and i fall sleep comfortably in peters arms once again...

Awe this is so fucking adorable to me i love this so fucking much i wanna jump around and actually cover peters face with kisses omg poor babyyyy hes sickkk i basically made this at like 3 am and it glitched so it didn't post and i was feeling a little sick/off so thats why i made a sick imagine and peter popped into my mind cs i was reading tumblr fanfic abt him hes so cute i love him hes so babe hes so husband hes so boyfriend hes so babygirl hes so baby hes so my love JUST AHHH SO FUCKING CUTE I LOVE HIM anyways*mwah mwah mwah* i love u my love ill talk to u later🫶🫡

evan and some taissa or ahs imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now