My Girl Ghost Crush (v.h)

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I walk into my new house the old scent filling my nose as i walk up the stairs to my room ive read the history of this place and it is fucked up but i think thats why i like it so much

I walk to my room and i sit down on my purple comforter stressed after a long day of unpacking and my family fighting and just everything over whelming me i pull my knees to my chest laying my head on them trying not to let tears fall out of my eyes

A couple escape and some sobs fall out by this time its already 10:00 pm i lift my head up to the sound of someone entering my room closing the door a girl around my age with beautiful blond hair and mesmerizing brown eyes and a cardigan with a purple shirt and a grey undershirt with black jeans and black boots

"Hey why are you crying" the girl says and i wipe my tears quickly acting as neutral as possible "im fine" i say my voice a little wobbly the girl comes over to me and sits down next to me grabbing me pulling me into her "its okay" she says as more tears leave my eyes after a minute im fine and i lift my head

She turns to me and wipes my tears with her thumb looking into my eyes "im violet" she says putting her hand out "wait like violet harmon" i say shocked she nods slowly "ah yes your one of those people who i get interested in then either tate tries to kill them or they know who i am and get freaked out or ask me questions all day" she says and looks down

"No no no not at all i dont really care i mean your cool so why should it matter if you're a ghost" i say grabbing one of her hands she looks up at me and smiles i smile back looking into her beautiful chocolate eyes "we should hang out more actually" i say to the girl and she nods at me "also my names y/n" i say and she nods at me again

"Why were you crying" she says putting her hands on her lap i shrug my shoulders "my family always fights and im always doing shit around the house and all i get back is getting yelled at or punched by my brother cause he thinks its funny and they do nothing its kinda funny but uhm he threw a remote at my head and they didnt do anything about it so im kinda lost on what to do next" i say looking down my voice becoming wobbly again at the end

"Its not your fault" she says and pulls me into a hug again this time my head on her chest we lay like that for a while just taking in each others embrace "you wanna sleep in here" i say hoping she will say yes not wanting to leave her cold body "yeah sure" she says in a sweet voice and we get under the blankets and she spoons me from the back i bring her hands close to me and she kisses my face before laying her head on top of mine and we fall asleep together

Damn it i have a crush on a girl ghost

I wake up to a cold embrace next to me i turn over and see violet with her arms wrapped around me i lean in giving her a kiss on the cheek and i wiggle out of her grip and walk to the restroom and i go back to my room to see violet sitting up looking at me

"Hey how'd you sleep" i say walking over to her sitting down before i grab some of her hair moving it out of the way loving the way it slips through my fingers she smiles "that was probably the best sleep ive had in a minute" she says looking into my eyes i smile at her "im glad" i say and lean forward kissing her forehead

"Well i dont have school wanna hang out today" i say shrugging my shoulders "yeah sure" she says and we get ready and stuff and we make a plan and she nods and teleports outside and i walk up to my parents asking if i can have a friend over tonight in which they nod surprised i already met someone

I walk outside and bring her in before we chill and talk about whatever and we eat and after a while it gets really late so we lay down in my bed i pull her body close to mine "thank you for making me feel normal again y/n" i smile "its no problem violet" i say facing her and we lean in and i kiss her soft cold lips grabbing her face with my hand for a minute taking in the feeling and taste before we separate

We lay down and i pull her closer and she puts her head on my chest as i face the ceiling

I think i have a girl ghost crush...

Hey so i needa make more taissa ones and imma make a poly one i might make a poly smut one too of zoe and kyle but for right now or i might start making those other ones rn this is what ya get so yeah i love you *mwah mwah mwah* take care till next time bye my love

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