My Spongebob part 2

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I wake up in my bed with a warm embrace next to me i look up and see a sleeping spongebob i smile and bite my lip before moving up to kiss his neck softly a couple of times he stirs our of his sleep and looks down at me with sleepy eyes and smiles "hey" he says "hi" i say and lean to give him a soft light kiss on his still kinda pump red lips after last night "how do you feel"

He says "im fine what about you" i say resting my chin on his chest "im fine" he says and i nod "imma use the restroom" i say and grab one of the blankets wrapping it around me and running to my bathroom and i come out and see him sitting on my bed yawning "what time is it" he says rubbing his eyes "6:00 am" i say looking at my clock "oh so our familys are going to be asleep for a whilee" he says his lisp popping out

"Yeah that just means for time for me to hold you" i say and watch as his face turns red i smile and open my arms and he crawls to them and i wrap my arms around him his head resting on my chest and i play with his hair softly

And we lay like that for a while talking softly to each other wrapped in blankets before we know it its 9:00 am almost 10:00 am "oh i think i should go my parents and your parents are going to wake up soon" i sigh and nod kinda sad he gets up and gets dressed leaving me his shirt i put on my panties and his shirt and some soft pants and i grab a headband he was about to forget

I put it around his head with the other one and smile as he looks at me i wrap my arms around his neck and pull him into a hug him hesitating to wrap his arms around my waist not as bad as before but hes always gonna be my shy boy

"Im gonna miss you" i say looking down "hey its okay lets meet up outside at 12:00 pm okay?" I nod excited to see him again "i love you russell" i say "i love you too y/n" he says and i kiss him one last time before he climbs down the ladder and puts it where it was last night and i watch him run to his house and i sigh and sit down on my bed before deciding to start getting ready

I grab my skateboard running outside "BYE MOM" i yell "BYE BE SAFE NO BOYS BESIDES RUSSELL" I roll my eyes like every other time and get on my skateboard going as fast as i can excited to see my boyfriend wow boyfriend sound nice knowing its russell

I get to his house and just as im about to throw a pebble at his window i see him running out of his house he drops his board and i hug him tightly and he shyly hugs me back as always its so adorable i kiss his cheek and then give him a quick peck on the lips "lets go" i say and we get on our boards riding to the store down the street "damn it i only have 5 dollars" i say pulling a 5 dollar bill out of my pocket

"Oh here" he says pulling out a 20 and handing it to me "lets get some stuff" i smile and we get drinks and snacks and everything we would want later on tonight we are riding back to the house and its already like 7:00 pm because we like hanging out with each other

"Okay meet me at the ladder at 11:00" i say to him and he nods i set down all my stuff and pull him into a hug like all the times i cant not give him a hug i always have to when i see him or when im saying goodbye

"Bye spongebob" i say close to his ear "bye sandy" he says and i give him a sweet kiss and i walk away throwing all the snacks in the room by climbing on the ladder and i climb down and go to my house waving bye to russell one last time

I set up everything like last time but we are going to watch a movie instead and we have WAYYY more snacks than last time i think i might barf if i eat to much

Its 11:00 and i hear patters outside my house i already left my window open and i see brunette curls pop up from below the window and i see his cute face that lights up when we sees me and he does his dorky smile and i laugh to myself before he gets through the window and i hug him like usual giving him a kiss

"Come on" i say not having to lock the door because thats already done we sit down on my bed and put blankets over us and the computer on our laps and we watch 'scooby doo 2' eating snacks and laugh at each other making inside jokes or at the movie

After a while i get tired and i lay against russell and he shyly puts his arm around me and i lay close to him with my head on him and he lays his head on mine

I close my eyes turning my head more into him his scent filling my nose more "come here" he says and kisses me shyly before smiling his goofy grin i fell for causing me to smile he moves the computer and shuts it off and lays down and i lay down next to his pulling him closer his scent fills my nose again relaxing me

"Goodnight spongebob i love you" i say tired "i love you too sandy goodnight" he says and we fall asleep in each others arms once again i want to do this with him for the rest of my life...

I was so tired last night i wrote most of it and i found myself waking up randomly at 2 am because i was thirsty it was weird as hell but its cute and i just woke up and i needa go to school im tired bye bye *mwah mwah mwah* see you later<3

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