The Hotel Cortez

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this will have smut im sorryyy forgive meeee

I walk into a hotel 'Hotel Cortez' it says in big letters hard to miss i wanted to be away from everyone for a while it was too tiring and i was done my life was getting worse

I walk to the receptionist desk and ring the bell suitcase in hand and a woman with white hair walks to the desk i smile at the woman "hi can i have room 64?" I say the woman is a little taken back that im being so nice to her. Weird.

"Uhm yeah here you go" she says and gives me the key a face of guilt runs through her and she walks out of the desk and we go into the elevators going up as i count the floors so i know next time and we walk to the door and i keep track of the turns and we finally make it

"Good luck" she says lowly looking down and gives me the key and walks away i unlock the door and walk in setting my suitcase on the floor next to the bed and i sit on the bed and sigh and pull out my phone checking if anyone texted me wondering where i was

Nothing. Like always why do i even bother

I put my phone away and go to the restroom and i fix my hair and get the ice bucket and walk down the hallway to get some ice scooping it into the bucket and i go back getting a glass and some jack daniels and i pour some over the ice

I lift the glass up to my lips taking a drink of the burning liquid as it goes down my throat "hello dear" i hear and i turn around fast for my eyes to meet a man in a black suit with his black hair slicked to the side with a pencil mustache with a glass as well in his hand

"W-what are you doing here" i say looking into his brown eyes as he finishes his drink and gets up walking infront of me "well arent you a beautiful thing" he says looking me up and down his thick accent coming through his voice

"Why are you in my room" i say starting to get scared and pissed "calm down my love, i own this hotel or used to i built it" he says putting his hands up in defense "your james patrick march" i say shocked ofc i do research on wherever im going yk just incase. Wait he died in 1930 what the hell.

"Thats me" he says lowly his voice rasping he says with a smile showing perfect straight white teeth he comes close to me pushing me more against a short dresser in the room "and whats your name" he says i look at him as he reaches the dresser so im stuck between him and the dresser

"Y/n, Y-Y/n Y/l/n" he nods his head and mutters a raspy a mhm sound looking me up and down again he reaches up and grabs my face looking at my lips and i look at his and he leans in and i do too and our lips connect his lips tainted with whiskey

I reach my hands up to the back of his neck and he pushes me harder into the dresser and grabs my waist and i feel a pool form between my legs as his growing hard on presses against my crotch making me groan he grabs me and pushes me onto the bed taking off his jacket and second shirt leaving him in his wife beater shirt and his pants and i see a slit on his neck and i just ignore it but he better get ready for all the questions after and i take this chance to take my shirt off and pants leaving me in panties and a bra

He climbs on top of me and roughly makes out with me i go move my hands down and unbuckle his pants as he looks down at my hands i turn him over and im on top of him he grabs my waist and i grab his hard on moving my panties to the side and put him inside of me earning a moan and gasp from me and a raspy groan from him

I bounce up and down moving back and forth grinding on his dick "oh james" i say putting my head back and he moves his hand up to my breast and i look down and grab his hand thats on my breast as he squeezes

I feel a familiar knot in my stomach more intense than usual as i move back and forth going up and down moans and groans leave each others mouth he reaches up and grabs my throat squeezing tight this throws me off the edge

"JAMES" I moan loudly as my high takes over my body more intense than any other time followed by a groaning james my body is shaky and i drop down next to james turned to him

"Darling" he says gritted almost groaning while looking at me i smile and put my hand on his neck and i go to lay down and he lays next to me "i dont want to let you go and i dont think i ever will" he says and i smile "i dont want to let you go either i say and he holds me and we fall asleep...

For some reason im tired rn i wanna go to bed but i got a new romance book and i wanna read it so thats what imma do and ive been crying over evan and taissa this entire time speaking of i needa make a taissa imagine ofc i love u guys *mwah mwah mwwwahhh* bye bye my love

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