Its Okay (tate langdon)

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I excitedly walk into my house after being out for a while ive been really missing tate hes my boyfriend or i mean were not official but were definitely not just friends or friends with benefits

I walk up my tall staircase and go into my room only for it to be empty "tate?" I call out no answer i go downstairs and look around then theres only one last place the basement

I open the shaky door and walk down the steps "baby?" I call out no answer come on man i walk around the corner going deeper into the basement when i see him

Hes crying bent over crouched on the ground "tate" i say softly and he doesnt even look at me "hey" i say gently reaching my hand up to touch his face as he sobs and pretty tears leave his eyes "what happened hm?" I coo softly and he looks up at me for a moment still crying "whats wrong with me" he cries out "nothing baby nothing i know u did all that stuff when you were alive but its the house it's making you crazy" i say

He hits his head softly before getting more rough hitting his head over and over "Get Out Of My Head" he yells and i quickly grab his arm pulling his hand close to me "my love your okay its okay" i coo softly getting closer to him i grab his face with both of my hands making him look at me "your gonna be okay" i say and he nods

"Yeah?" He says softly and i nod smiling a bit "yeah you have me well work it out" i say and he nods i lean in kissing his head softly before kissing his face over and over making him smile a bit as he holds my wrists gently that are holding his face i smile at him wide after pulling away and engulf him into a tight hug

His scent of cologne and just his smell making me smile my hand plays with his hair softly as he shifts me onto his lap holding onto me tight as i hold him close i grab his hand and get off of his  lap "come on" i say and i pull him out of the basement and up the stairs down the hallway to my room 

I turn to him and pull out some comfortable clothes for both of us since he put his clothes in my room we change and i pull him onto the bed with me him facing away from me and i grab his body pulling him close his curly hair tickling my face making me smile 

"I love you" he says making me smile even more "i love you too tate" i say holding him evan closer his body pressed up on mine him being the little spoon i kiss his cheek softly making him smile a bit and i lay my head on top of his and i close my eyes falling asleep holding tate...


i actually like this i saw a sad edit and i took it too serious tbh anyways im in school i love u *mwah mwah mwah* bye bye my love

evan and some taissa or ahs imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now