I Need You (c.d)

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I wipe my tears and get up a shaky sigh escapes my mouth and i get dressed me and cooper broke up maybe 2 months ago and i miss him so much i miss his lips his kisses his fluffy hair his cute vocabulary that he only uses i missed his scent his smile his personality i just miss him and i havent gotten over him

I go into the restroom and brush my teeth before curling my eyelashes and i put on some Chapstick and some perfume god i may look pretty but i feel like shit man

I walk into my room grabbing my bag and i walk downstairs and my parents rush outside and i get inside the car and throw my bag to the side driving past coopers house god i cant even right now i arrive at school and sigh as i open the door and walk out into the school

I walk through the hall ways going to my locker and i see those fluffy curls down the hallway walking my way i get scared and go back to my locker putting some stuff in before i hear a locker slam and i see cooper walking away and i sigh my hand running down my face before i close my locker and walk to class

I sit down not paying attention to the boy who sits behind me cooper of course i get out my work and start working after all my classes which of course cooper sits next to me in all of them i go to my locker again

I put my stuff in slamming my locker before walking away trying not to notice cooper whos locker is a couple lockers down from mine i sigh again and watch as cooper walks away from afar and i walk to the restroom getting into a stall closing it before a tear runs down my face

I wipe it away sniffing staying in there for a minute before i flush the toilet to make it seem like i wasn't crying and i wash my hands before walking out and going outside to the side of the school where all the stoners are

I see cooper and i take a deep breath before walking up to someone asking for a cigarette and they give me one i light it taking puffs smoke coming out of my mouth as i try and calm down and i sit down my hand on my head and i see a shadow tower over me

I look up and see cooper and i feel tears sting my eyes why is he talking to me he sits next to me "you okay?" He says and i nod my head quickly wiping a tear that escaped my eye and i take another hit of my cigarette "come on y/n i know you you only smoke when your really stressed or somethings bothering you" he says and my eyes meet his as i take another hit

"And i know that look on your face come on whats wrong you know i wont judge you man" he says and i sigh "fine" i say throwing my hair off my shoulder and he looks at me waiting for an answer and tears fill my eyes again making him look a little sad for some reason

"The reason im stressed and all that is because..." I start and he looks to me as i wipe tears that leave my eye "i need you" i say and take another hit trying to ignore the feeling of rejection im gonna get "i love you still cooper" i say turning my head and i feel him grab my chin turning my head pulling my face to his and he kisses me softly

"I need you y/n i miss you so much i love you too" he says and i smile and wipe a tear that left my eye "asshole" i say pushing him playfully before pulling him close again my cigarette next to me on the seat as i kiss him sweetly playing with his hair as his hands grab my waist and i smile before our lips separate

"Come over later?" He says and i smile more "of course" i say before kissing him again oh my god i missed him so fucking much i sit next to him and scoot closer to him before i mess up his hair and he smiles before i take one more hit of my cigarette and pass it to cooper and he finishes it for me

Im so happy im back with the love of my life...

Awee idk why this came to my mind but i love this so much man i think its because i was really mad and sad and stressed cs of my crush so i think thats where that came from but i love this so im not sad anymore aweeee anyways i love you so much byeee

evan and some taissa or ahs imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now