Another Coven Poly Relationship

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I walk into the coven alone only finding out i was a witch some hours ago god why does it always have to be me i always knew i was different but damn this is just crazy

Theres no one in sight only white walls stairs and a fancy piano next to a fireplace "hello?" I yell out and someone comes from around the corner in a black cape and a mask i scream and run back towards the door only to be met with a smaller person with a black cape and a mask coming at me i scream my powers pushing them backward

"Come on guys leave her alone" i open my eyes and see a brunette girl with beautiful brown eyes plump lips around my age wearing a loose black dress she walks over to me and grabs my wrist and sits me down on the couch "im zoe thats nan and queenie and wheres- oh there he is this is kyle" she says as a boy around my age too with blond curly hair beautiful brown eyes hes tall and well built and hes wearing a sweatshirt and a pair of jeans comes out from around the corner

He sits down next to zoe now these two definitely catch my eye he puts his hand on zoes thigh and looks at her then takes his hand off for a second to reach it out to me which i take and its warm and engulfs my hand i turn to zoe and she reaches her hand out too its smaller but just as warm god maybe i just want both damn it

"Cordelia should be here in a minute she always takes a while" i nod my head trying not to focus on the newly developed crushes infront of me and i turn to nan and queenie and nan looks at me knowingly shit she must have mind reading powers damn it keep it to yourself

After a minute of silent panicking a woman older than all of us walks into the room she has blond hair and brown eyes with a small mark on her face wearing a pink shirt and white pants a smile on her face "hello im cordelia" she says and reaches her hand out i shake it back "y/n" i say turning my head away after we let go glancing at the two people next to me only for them to already be looking back at me

She explains everything in which i understand "whos the supreme" i ask and she looks at me before saying "i am" i nod my head and zoe speaks "ill show her the room since shes sharing with me" cordelia nods and i follow zoe and kyle up the stairs to the room that has two beds on each side of the room she has the one closest to the door so i take the other one "thanks" i say setting my bag down "yeah its no problem she says

"Why was nan looking at you funny earlier" she says closer to me this time i turn my head "oh it was just uhm a weird thought" she nods her head and grabs kyles hand standing up "well u can tell us anything" i nod my head and they leave wow okay

After a week my feeling for kyle and zoe have developed a lot i only want to see them me and them have been hanging out a lot too sometimes its just me and kyle when zoes busy or just zoe and me when kyles doing his own thing and i dont wanna ruin that but its becoming too much to handle

Zoe and kyle come into the room at night and im sat up in my bed criss cross reading a book and i look up at them "okay me and kyle have been talking and we feel this vibe from you and we dont know what it is and what want to know whats going on" zoe says with a concerned face

I sigh and set down my book off to the side off the bed zoe and kyle grab one of my hands "you can tell us anything you know that right" kyle says sweetly well here i go hopefully i don't fuck shit up

"Okay well i hope i dont fuck up but ever since i met you guys ive had feelings for both of you i dont know why it had to be the couple who already love each other but it just happened and i cant control it and i probably look like a piece of shit right now" i say looking away zoe and kyle share a look at each other before squeezing my hands

"We've had a relationship like that before" zoe starts i look back at them confused "it was with a girl who had actually killed kyle at a party by flipping his frat bus and me and her brought him back because of how much i liked him and she died and i brought her back to life and she manipulated kyle to have sex with her and we shared kyle but kyle liked me more and i died doing the seven wonders and she didnt bring me back kyle got mad and killed her and cordelia brought me back" she says finishing her story i look at her with wide eyes

"It was traumatic for both of us but i think itll be different if its someone both of us love" she says and i look at her with confused eyes "me and zoe like you too y/n it was a shock but we got through it we didnt know u liked us back" kyle says looking into my eyes

"We are willing to try if you dont break us like she did" kyle says squeezing my hand once more "i wouldnt even think about it" i say looking at the two beautiful beings infront of me "then lets try it out" zoe says a smile appearing on her face they let go of my hands and come on either side of my bed getting in next to me so im in the middle between them

Maybe this will really work out i hope so because i really like them i think while being engulfed by the two warm bodys im between with both of their hands around me as i drift to sleep happy...

AAHHHH THIS IS SO CUTE I CANT BREATHE HELP MEE this is adorable like actually im going to have to make more parts or something man i might make a smut for this but yk we will never know i love this so much aweee *mwah mwah mwah* bye my love

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